A healthy approach to addressing high cholesterol fears

By:Craig Burton

Here is an alternative approach to using statins according to the Price-Pottenger foundation.

"If statins work, in preventing heart disease they do so by reducing inflammation, not because they lower cholesterol." (1)

Statins block the production of mevalonate leading to inhibition of platelet clumping and reduction of inflammation in the artery walls.

However, simple changes in the diet can achieve the same effect without also cutting off the body's vital supply of cholesterol:

• Avoid trans fats, known to contribute to inflammation

• Avoid refined sugars, especially fructose, known to stimulate clumping of the blood platelets

• Eat plenty of saturated fats, which encourage the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins

• Eat coconut oil and coconut products; coconut oil protects against bacteria and viruses that can lead to inflammation in the artery wall

• Eat foods high in copper, especially liver; copper deficiency is associated with clot formation and inflammation in the arteries

• Avoid reduced-fat milks and powdered milk products (such as powdered whey); they contain oxidized cholesterol, shown to cause irritation of the artery wall

• Take cod liver oil, an excellent dietary source of anti-inflammatory vitamin A, vitamin D and EPA

• Take evening primrose, borage or black currant oil, sources of GLA which the body uses to make anti-inflammatory prostaglandins

Your 3d Coach
Craig Burton

(1) Fallon, S and Enig, M PhD., "Dangers of statin drugs: what you haven't been told about popular cholesterol-lowering medicines", available at http://www.westonaprice.org

About the author:
Article by Craig Burton. Craig is a prominent European based holistic health and fitness coach and founder of 3D Personal Training Systems. Craig is a Sports Science graduate with postgraduate accreditations in nutrition, massage, athletic training, and corrective exercise therapy.
He is the author of "The 21 Day Roadmap to Health" available at http://www.21dayroadmap.com.
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