A word about exercise and fitness

By:john parker

Exercise is considered as an important and inseparable part of ones routine. It is really essential to gain good health. What is health? Health is defined as “a state of complete well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Health is to a certain extent a matter of cleanliness, proper diet and exercise; but it is more than that. It is also the conscious and subconscious recognition of the well-being that comes from doing, every day, a full measure of one's duty—doing what you can, with what you've got, where you are.
Exercise is a very important part for those who wish to remain fit. Fitness is a valuable thing that is required in order to get success in life. An unhealthy person can not fulfill his dreams as hard work and unhealthiness do not go together. A person needs to be healthy in order to a hard worker and be able to give good input. It is very true that if a person wants to attain fitness in true meaning he needs to go to gym or exercise vigorously and in a routine.

A very common saying about exercise is that regular exercise done for even 15 minutes helps a person to remain away from every kind of ailment and lets you remain fit. Overweight and obese people require exercising daily and regularly. Exercise comes as a good option to improve ones health. Regularity of exercise acts as a chief thing to take care of. It has been stated that it doesn’t not matter the way you exercise or how much you exercise but working out regularity do help in maintaining fitness.

Exercise is good if it is done outside in fresh air hence, it has been found that exercising in early hour’s acts as a good option. Exercising in a garden in the early hours of the day helps you to breath in fresh air that is mostly free from pollution or we may say that at that time air has minimum amount of impurities as the vehicles or traffic is comparatively low than in other parts of the day.

It is recommended to start exercising from low then gradually move further in both time and kind of exercises. Staring with low helps you to regularize as staring right from the high level may invite several problem and you may not feel like doing again. So, its better top have a low initial start than doing a heavy exercise one day never to do again.

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