Alli Orlistat: Pills are Small but Efficacy is High
- By:Clarence Carter
Accumulation of fat beneath the skin gives you a bulky look. The most accepted scale which differentiates an obese from a normal person is body mass index (BMI). The person having body mass index higher than 27 is generally considered as an obese. Calculation of body mass index is a complex process; you can take the help of a physician for calculating your BMI. There are many online companies which help in calculating BMI after getting necessary information about your weight and height.
Once you know you come under the category of obese people, it becomes essential to reduce your weight. Various methods and techniques can help you in reduction of weight. Balancing diet and regular exercising are the two prominent ways which can reduce weight benignly and permanently. Balanced diet refers to such a diet which has low calories. We get calories from two food constituents namely carbohydrate and fat. Fat gives us almost double calories in comparison to same amount of carbohydrate. Therefore, those who love to eat fat rich food are very much vulnerable to obesity.
Alli (Orlistat) is meant for those who want to reduce weight by reducing the absorption of calories from fat. The drug blocks the action of fat digesting enzyme lipase so that fat which you consume in your diet comes out of the body without giving you energy. This action is particularly oriented on the digestion of triglycerides. After using Alli the absorption of energy from fat reduces upto 30%.
Orlistat is an oral prescription medication which is available in the US anti-obesity drug market by the name of Xenical. Xenical, the FDA approved drug comes in volume of 120mg. Alli is the reduced quantity of the same medication. It comes in the volume of 60mg but it has the same efficacy like Xenical. Regular of use of Alli for six month can help in reducing about 12.4 pounds.
Xenical’s name is associated with some mild side effects like oily spotting, fecal urgency and oily stool. Such mild side effects are also associated with Alli. However, Alli reduces the chances of such side effects to half of intensity of 120 mg Xenical. To save yourself against any medical complication in future; it is advisable to consult with your doctor prior than starting the use of Alli.
Alli is not meant for those who are below 18 years. Diabetic patient, patient with transplant surgery and on immunosuppressive drugs like cyclosporine are also not allowed use Alli. With decrease in digestion of fat, there can be a decrease in absorption of fat soluble vitamin A, D, E and K in the body therefore dosages of Alli must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals rich meals or with appropriate vitamins pills.
The high efficacy of Alli medication is available through convenient online order. Most of the online pharmacies make it available on your door steps.About the author:
Clarence Carter received training as a health care scientist. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles, weight loss being her pet subject. To find Acomplia rimonabant, Xenical, Weight loss drug Tips, Alli (Orlistat), Obesity, Xenical diet pill, Rimonabant, Phentermine, Reductil visit