An Easy Home Workout
- By:Rob DeMaio DeMaio
Do you want to exercise but can't afford a costly health club membership? Don't despair, with a little dedication and this home workout you can begin a simple and effective workout routine. If you are a seasoned fitness enthusiast you should be able to implement this home workout without skipping a beat from your normal routine. If you are new to exercise or are coming back from a long layoff then it is wise to consult your physician before attempting this home workout.
There are a few basic guidelines to follow in order to minimize the risk of injury and get the most out of your home workout.
• never perform the home workout two days in a row
• start with 2 laps of the home workout and build up to five
• never perform the home workout if you are feeling any muscle soreness
• proper form is most important
• the last few reps of each set should feel difficult
Pushups 10 repetitions (full or modified-keep body straight from knees to shoulders)
Squats 25 repetitions (feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointing out)
Ab Crunch 25 reps with knees bent to 90 degrees followed by 25 with legs straight in air
Standing Straight Leg Raise 25 reps each side (lift leg out to the side)
Ab Crunch (same as above)
Stationary Lunges 15 reps each side (keep front knee directly over your toes)
Standing Calf Raise 25 reps each (keep legs straight & hips still)
Dips 15 reps (using a chair, hands next to hips)
Ab Crunch (same as above)
Stationary Wall Sit 1 min. (knees bent to 90 degrees)
Low Back Extensions (lie on stomach with arms and legs straight in superman position, lift both arms and legs about 6 inches off floor, pause, lower and repeat)
Regardless of how many laps you do of the home workout, only perform 1 set of the low back extensions at the very end of your workout. This is to minimize the risk of back injury. For fit individuals this workout may seem a little less intense than their regular resistance workouts but remember that something is better than nothing. This home workout will prevent significant loss of muscle strength and endurance while you are away from the gym. Others may find this home workout to be quite a challenge. Start slow and don't give up on yourself. Keep trying and within a half-dozen workouts you will notice huge improvement.
For more free workouts and fitness advice visit:
About the author:
Rob has been involved in the development of health and fitness programs since 1989. His journey started with an interest in competitive bodybuilding in high school. Since then, he has competed in collegiate track and field as well as events ranging from Adventure Racing to marathons. Rob is also an avid cyclist competing in a variety of disciplines including Cross-Country and 24-Hour Mountain Biking as well as Road Racing and Criteriums.