An Exercise to Broaden and Strengthen Your Shoulders
- By:Ismael D. Tabije
In most gymnasiums there is an excellent exercise practiced to broaden the shoulders by means of lateral tension. Standing between two upright parallel bars, the student grasps them with both hands, his arms out¬stretched at right angles to the body. The exercise consists in pulling alternately with either hand, first right, then left. This action exercises or stretches laterally the muscles of the shoulders, and, if regularly and persistently prac¬ticed, improvement is certain.
In my goal to design the exercises to be done all while lying in bed, I tried attaching rings bars and ropes on the side to put lateral tension on the shoulder muscles. But they were unsuccessful as they caused inconvenience. The body is unstable as it is moved from side to side while the exercise is going on. Thus, the development is not achieved.
Finally I tried a wooden board, as long as the spread of my outstretched arms and three inches in width. I grab both ends and apply a pulling force that causes the lateral tension of the shoulder muscles. It is very effective as I am able to stretch my muscles without too many other movements. To improve the gadget, I attached strong iron handles to it for a firmer and more convenient hold.
The exercise is this:
1. Lie upon your back with the board resting diagonally across the chest. Grasp the handles with both hands and pull upward as far as possible. The arm muscles and upper ribs must feel the strain. Resist with a downward pull of equal force. Next reverse the pull so that each side may be exercised.
2. With the board lying at right angles across the chest, pull with both hands at once, keeping up the strain for two or three seconds; then relax. Begin with five movements for each exercise. Alternately tense and relaxing the muscles, as described. Increase to fifteen movements, as your physical condition may allow.
These will bring into action the muscles attached to the shoulder blades. It is an excellent exercise for ladies who may be deficient at this area. Improvement will certainly result if these directions are faithfully followed. If your shoulders were once well developed and sym¬metrical, that condition can certainly be restored by persistent practice of this exercise.
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This article is an excerpt from the e-book, The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness