Are You a Bicep Warrior?
- By:The Musclehead
Of all the jokers that I see in the gym, the bicep warrior is one of my favorites. I’d pretty much guarantee you that you have a few of these guys at your gym. Heck, you’re probably one yourself.
For those of you who are unaware of what a bicep warrior is exactly, let me explain. They are usually motivated by ego, travel in packs and may even wear their best clothes to the gym. But the thing that makes a bicep warrior is the way he trains.
You see, a bicep warrior is at the gym so he can look good in front of the ladies. Nothing wrong with that. If you saw how much attention I get from the girls, you’d be at the gym too. But what is really wrong with how he goes about it.
This is how the bicep warrior thinks. “Ok, girls love big biceps, a nice chest and abs. So I’ll go to the gym every day and do the same workout. That will have me looking awesome in no time. 50 sets of bicep curls, followed by 20 sets of bench press, then I’ll finish up with 1000 crunches. Ooh yeh“
Let me tell you now, that is a dumbass way to think. Sure, girls might love biceps, but thinking like that is the wrong way to go about it. There are so many things that are wrong with that mindset and it will really kill your results if you go about it like that.
Instead, you need to realize that building muscle is more than just doing a few bicep curls and bench presses. For maximum results you need to take an intelligent approach. I know the word intelligent makes you cringe, but hold on a second, it doesn’t have to be scary.
You just need decent advice and that’s where I come in. Instead of just hitting your biceps and chest, start working out your entire body. I know the concept may seem foreign at first, but it’s a sure fire way to increase the level of results you’re having.
There are a few reasons why exercising your entire body will help you greatly, but they’re beyond the scope of this article. If you’re interested, go check out my package, if not, just listen up anyway. Doing exercises like squats will actually help you build bigger biceps. Don’t believe me? Try it for a few weeks and see if you notice any differences. What have you got to lose?
Of course there is more to this than just what’s written here, but if you have been a bicep warrior up until this point, now’s a good time to stop and learn the proper way to build some serious muscle.About the author:
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