Black Pepper Essential Oil: The Secret of Nature Healing
- By:Bryan Josling Bryan Josling
In the east, the usage of black pepper has been going on for more than 4000 years. Black pepper has been used both in medical and culinary purposes. Since the inception of aromatherapy, black pepper essential oil has become an inevitable ingredient. Black pepper, scientifically known as piper nigrum, is mainly native to India and other tropical countries like, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Madagascar.
Black pepper contains near about 3.5% essential oil. Usually essential oil is extracted from various herbs, trees, flower, citrus and grass. Black pepper essential oil is taken from the fruits. This oil can be mingled properly with bergamot, clary sage, palmarosa, frankincense, orange, lavender, myrrh, ylang ylang, vetiver, sandalwood, ginger, juniper, coriander, geranium, rose, nutmeg and fennel.
Black pepper essential oil is analgesic, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, cardiac, carminative, digestive, diuretic, laxative and stimulant. Let’s have a look at the healing power of black pepper essential oil.
The usage of black pepper essential oil is very common in skin treatment. This oil is used to cure chilblains, bruises, cuts, wounds, dermatosis, irritation and so on. In case of various muscles problems, black pepper essential oil works well. It includes arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches, sprain pain, stiffness, anemia etc. In aromatherapy, with this oil, muscle tone is improved as well.
Various respiratory diseases, such as, bronchitis, laryngitis, catarrh, warms chills etc can be cured with black pepper essential oil. This oil is chosen for different digestive related purposes too. To name a few, we can say this oil is used as flatulence prevented, to increase appetite, to cure nausea, diarrhea, constipation etc.
Many a time, in aromatherapy, various nervous related problems are treated with black pepper essential oil. Alleviating stress-related disorder, healing nerve spasms, reducing frigidity etc are some common works of black pepper essential oil. Fighting with viral infection, common cold, influenza, flu etc is additional attribute of this oil.
Black pepper essential oil assists in increasing circulation. Hence, if anytime one faces problem due to poor circulation; this oil can be recommended.
Black pepper essential oil is mainly non-toxic oil. But one should not use this oil directly on his/her skin. It is advisable to mix this oil with some carrier oil or dilute it before using. Always remember, excessive use of this oil may be the reason behind the over stimulation of kidneys. And in case of pregnancy, black pepper essential oil should be avoided.
The healing effect of black pepper essential oil is used in aromatherapy excessively nowadays. Various problems, such as, skin, indigestion, respiratory, circulation disorder etc, can be cured with this oil. The medicinal treasure of nature truly lies in black pepper essential oil.About the author:
Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Black pepper essential oil, oil massage, organic aromatherapy, essential oil dilution, massage oil blends, pure essential oils, aromatherapy blends visit