Breast Cancer Ribbons. The Pink Symbol of our Times.

By:Allison Thompson

Certainly in this day and age nearly every worthy cause uses a ribbon and certainly without going in to too much detail and they way in which people use them, the ribbon which I feel is more important than most is the breast cancer ribbon.

Many women will agree that breast cancer is an enemy to any woman and although awareness concerning the risks and understanding the preventive measures that need to be taken on a regular basis has increased over the last few years, and which has probably saved many lives, there are some people who are still not aware of the dangers of breast cancer and there are many others who prefer to live in denial of it happening to them.

There it is important for more women to take up the pink ribbon and join in the fight against breast cancer. Firstly and the most important thing is that it shows that you care and that you are willing to give a little of your time or energy to try and educate more women as well as warn others and then just may be by carrying out this one small action you are contributing to saving the life of someone. Certainly this is not a joke, and it is only sometimes awareness that separates the ill from the healthy and those that live or die. We are now at a stage where people are learning of new dangers all the time and now with the potential dangers arising relating to terrorism and natural disasters, breast cancer although it has been around for such a long time and has caused so much grief and pain it certainly deserves to be treated with a little more respect and should be remembered even on a daily basis. So by wearing the pink ribbon you will be doing this.

Now every October across the globe this has been international breast cancer awareness month and it is at this time when we should try and do our utmost to increase the general public’s awareness of the disease and so educate more women in the ways of fighting breast cancer. Also during the month time is dedicating to raising money for the many different organizations and foundations that are working through the year on helping the many victims of the disease. There are many patients who do not have the money or funds to be able to try and treat the disease and it is with the help of the organizations that money is raised for they can provide them with the support that they need.

So when October next comes around all you need to do is purchase one of these pink ribbons and place it on your shirt or jacket and show your solidarity for those patients who are presently dealing with the disease, those that have become victims of the disease and those members of a victims family or their friends who find that they have been effected by this dreadful disease. But you don’t have to limit yourself to wearing it just during the month of October as it only takes one person to ask you about it and just think what a difference this will make over the term of a year, and if liked minded people do the same across the world every day and each person is approached by someone who has no knowledge of what it means, imagine the number of lives that could be saved or spared.

So hopefully that in the future the fight against breast cancer as is the same with the fight against all forms of cancer will achieve the goal it is striving to reach and will end up claiming less victims. Also that it will help modern medicine and science to discover a cure and that even more and more people across the globe will live happier and healthier lives.

About the author:

Kerris Samson, who now lives in Spain and has become a work from home mum. Is now spending a large amount of her time researching breast cancer and other cancers and alternative treatment methods. For further information please visit