Building Up Strong and Shapely Legs

By:Ismael D. Tabije

Most persons have more developed legs than the arms since the legs are frequently exercised in a person’s daily waking routine. But the mere exercise of walking will not develop the large muscles at the front of the thighs and in the calves of the legs, or the “climbing muscles”. Walking or running, may bring those muscles into action, but does not place any considerable tension upon them.

The leg muscles of the runner are more elastic, and capable of more rapid action than are those of the “athlete of the hills”. But the former soon tires under the strain of a steady climb, whatever his physical condition may be, simply because he has not developed the muscles then called into action.

This capability cannot be credited to natural ability but to special training and exerted effort.

It may not catch everyone’s attention when I say that the exercise I designed will develop these “climbing muscles”. But when I’ll say it can add to the proportionality of the legs, it will perhaps generate interest. The build-up of the muscles on the thigh and the calves relies deeply on the ball of the foot. And the exercise I designed can be practiced while lying in bed.

Attach to the foot of your bed a cord about 1½-feet in length, attaching a pulley weight handle. Lying on your side, hold this handle then press firmly against the foot¬board of the bed with the ball of the foot, and alternately relax the pressure. This alternate pressure and relaxation will actively exercise the muscles in question. It will also imitate the action of climbing, the leg being exercised as such. And it will bring no strain or possible injury upon the heart — a danger ever imminent in hill climbing.

The pressure exerted should be equal to that required in climbing stairs or a steep slope. This exercise, if persistently and regularly prac¬ticed, will surely improve the symmetry of the legs. And it will give one the ability to climb stairs or steep hills, which cannot be acquired by the same amount of walking or ordinary gym running exercise. It should be practiced both with the left and the right feet. Otherwise the development will be unequal.

If the cord and pulley weight handle is inconvenient, simply rest the ball of the foot against the foot¬board of the bed and alternately press and re¬lax. Or here is still another and easier way — lying on your back or partially on the side, place the ball of the left foot on the upper part or toes of the right. Tense the muscles of this right leg and foot so that it may afford support. Then alternately press and relax with the left foot. Repeat the exercises with the other leg.

The cord and pulley weight handle device is far more effective and can guarantee quicker development. But the last two exercises can be practiced under all circumstances and will ap¬peal to the members of the greatest organization on earth: the lazy people, of which the writer is a member and a good example.

The foremost reason why these exercises were designed is to get the desired development with minimal effort exerted. Some people may say it is a lazy man’s system but it is mainly designed for people of more advanced age, who are not anymore fit enough to undergo rigorous and strenuous exercises. Just the same, you are guaranteed that the exercises are remarkably effective. Finally, people of all ages can use these exercises to great benefit.

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This article is an excerpt from the e-book, The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness