Building muscle mass: Action and Reaction

By:Steve Silvester

Lift weights, gain muscle, sounds easy enough in theory, but when it gets down to the actual work involved it can be a physically taxing, yet highly rewarding way to improve your overall fitness and health. One of the basic laws of physics states that an action causes a reaction. With that being said, when you lift a heavy weight, your muscles need to grow and respond in order to keep doing that task. At first it may not be easy to accomplish, but as your muscles grow larger and stronger, Building Muscle Mass is sure to become easier.

In order to remain effective in weight lifting, the body must also be fueled properly. This means first and foremost that you eat a balanced diet of protein rich foods as well as a good combination of other health choices such as fruits and vegetables. In addition, your muscles need an appropriate amount of rest in order to rebuild themselves and continue to grow. Finally, it is important to lift weights smart and effectively. Lift heavy and to the point of failure (that being until you are unable to do any additional reps). By Building Muscle Mass right, you will inevitably, build a leaner, faster and stronger body able to handle all the rigors you put it through.

There are many exercises that work various areas of the body; however, there is only one exercise that will work almost every muscle group at the same time. The dead lift requires the response of the legs, back, arms and abs all working together in order to be performed correctly. While this exercise is efficient in Building Muscle Mass simultaneously, it is one of the most difficult and excruciating exercise that you will perform and can cause the athlete to feel faint and breathless.

Have you ever seen a cartoon of someone who looks for muscles as soon as they have finished lifting weights only to be disappointed by the lack of definition they encounter. While it may just be a cartoon, it is also not too far from the truth. Muscles do not grow in an instant. Weight lifting is simply the catalyst that set into motion a metabolic change that will not be realized until days later. Growth occurs once the muscle has had a chance to rest and rebuild itself. This is why rest is such an important component in a weight lifting program. Keep in mind; if a muscle is over trained and lacks sufficient recovery time, it may actually lose mass.

So whether you are an avid body builder or a new gym member, the key to a healthy, lean and fit body in Building Muscle Mass is a combination of a healthy diet, rest and exercise conducted in a safe environment and at the proper intensity. By following these simple rules of Building Muscle Mass and by listening to the signals your body is sending, you are sure to see much success in your strength training endeavors.

About the author:
Thomas Lindblom is a freelance writer who is always looking for interesting topics to write about. Building muscle mass is not easy, it's a combination of heathy diet, rest and exercise. is the best place for professional bodybuilders to find what they want, including dianabol, clenbuterol, triacana and much more.