Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

By:Nigel Howell

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is also commonly known as chronic fatigue dysfunction syndrome. CFS is often characterized by symptoms that are also associated with many other conditions such as high blood pressure, or flu.

The person doesn’t just feel tired but endures excessive tiredness for very long period of times and can experience muscle cramps, headaches, nausea and other symptoms. These symptoms do not resolve themselves with long rests. The tiredness caused by chronic fatigue syndrome prevents the person from living a normal life. It can also affect a persons relationships, as CFS can make a person irritable and confused.

As we’ve already mentioned the symptoms of CFS are very similar to those of influenza and high blood pressure. This can make it difficult to diagnose the condition, however there are some differences.

The condition is not resolved with treatments for flu even if some of the symptoms are relieved. If a person suffers from tiredness for over than six months, then it’s more than likely to be chronic fatigue syndrome. To get yourself on the track to recovery it’s important to embark on the treatment.

There are also additional symptoms caused by chronic fatigue syndrome. These can be muscle or joint pain, irritability, and tiredness even after you’ve rested for a long period of time. If you suffer from consistent headaches that are similar to migraines then these could be caused by chronic fatigue syndrome.

Forgetfulness, and fevers are also caused by chronic fatigue syndrome, which is why it’s often confused with flu.

Chronic fatigue syndrome does have certain and specific symptoms. It can be difficult to diagnose, however, if a person suspects that they are suffering from this condition it is much easier to identify it and avoid making an incorrect diagnosis.

A wide variety of different causes can cause chronic fatigue syndrome, these causes can affect you individually, or in groups! Some experts believe that wounds can cause chronic fatigue syndrome, and so could be caused by surgery.

The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is currently unknown, and so is the cure. There isn’t a permanent cure to this condition. There are treatments that help you to reduce the tiredness feeling that you are suffering from. The treatments can also help you to live a normal life.

Long term treatments are not yet available, and there isn’t any way to permanently cure yourself. Your best bet is a lifestyle change which can help suffers feel more energized and live a more fulfilled and contented life.

About the author:
Nigel owns CureTiredness, a website which contains lots of useful information if you wish to know more about stopping tiredness.