Contact lenses make your day
- By:syed quadri
Contact lenses are a choosing subject. And there are more and more people who choose to wear contact lenses, recommended by the ophthalmologist, or because they want to be more free. Because they want a change. Or because they don’t like how they look with glasses. And we don’t even take in account that contact lenses do not slip from the eye, they do not get steamed and you cannot loose them when you are a little more agitated.
Contact lenses are available for two “time tables†of life: daily wearing and that means that each night, before sleeping, you must take them off, and extended carrying or carrying after night. The main difference between these two kinds of contact lenses is that the lenses with advanced carrying allow a better oxygenation to the cornea, with more than 40% higher than the ones with daily carrying.
30 days contact lenses or lenses with permanent carrying bring a medical innovation and an exceptional technique. They are produced from a material named silicon hydrogel. This kind of lenses provides more oxygen than conventional lenses with advanced carrying.
If you wear contact lenses with advanced duration, you can reduce the risk of enhancing infections, just by carrying out the medical prescriptions. Moreover, you can protect from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. You won’t even think that UV rays can conduce to disease appearance, as cataract and ocular tumors, or that even eyes can be burned because of the sun (keratitis). But the most important is that the contact lenses protect your eyes during sports.
It must be known that before touching the lens, you should wash your hands with an appropriate soap, without moistures. Beside daily contact lenses, which do not require attention, other kinds of lenses require regular attention, so you won’t have problems with eye-seeing and for stopping infections appearance.
We can classify lenses by:
* Material;
* Function;
* Wear time;
* Shape;
* Disposability;
* Number of focal points.
At the beginning, lenses or made from glass, but after a while, they were manufactured from polymethyl methacrylate, and they do not allow oxygen to pentrate from the lenses to the cornea. Lately, lenses were manufactured from silicon hydrogel.
By function, lenses have three rols: conventional, cosmetic and therapeutic. at any kind of lens, you need your ophthalmologist advice and prescription, for choosing the right lenses for your eyes. By wear time, they can be classified in daily wear lenses, extended wear lenses and continuous wear.
By shape, lenses can be spherical and toric and by focal points they can be with one or more focal points.
Be more beautiful, be different and use contact lenses.
About the author:
Ron Myers is the publisher of My Contact Lens news letter.
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