Did Somebody Order a Healthier Lifestyle?

By:Hamza Davis

Do you often think back to yesteryear with enormous nostalgia? When life was manageabler, living was easier and lifestyles were a lot healthier? You don't have to make any radical lifestyle changes to get back those acceptable old days. All it takes are several simple , simple steps to live a healthier lifestyle and add years to your life.

Eat Smart

Please do not attempt to turn your diet topsy-turvy in an attempt to lead a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, these limited steps will go a long way in helping you eat healthier.

Have a big breakfast and then eat smaller meals increased frequently during the day. Increase your intake fruit and vegetables. Scientists recommend that an individual should have at least five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Add fruit to your cereal. Eat a salad before every meal. Drink lots of water through the day- the minimum recommended amount is 8 glasses a day.
Refund full-fat foods with low-fat alternatives.

Exercise your Body and your Brain

The treadmill is soo last year!. You are more likely to give up exercising if you keep running and going nowhere. Here are a few, easy ways to include some aerobic activity in your daily life and have fun doing it!

Play beach volleyball in summer or go swimming or run around with the kids in the park. Go skiing in winter or at the very least try shoveling the snow off your driveway. Walk to work, walk to the supermarket, walk up the stairs- just walk. Join a cycling group so you don't feel alone while exercising. Join belly-dancing classes for a fun way to get fab-abs. When you've had enough physical activity, don't turn on the TV yet. Instead stimulate your mind as you try and solve a crossword or a sudoku puzzle or put together a double-sided jigsaw. You can also read your revered magazine to assist in your relaxation.

Smile a While; Laugh a Lot

Miles of smiles and lots of laughter is splendid for your mind, body and soul. Smiling reduces your stress levels and blood pressure, increases your feel-valuable aspect as well as your circle of friends, gives your circulation a boost, .... The list goes on and it's all agreeable and smiling can be quite contagious!


Don't sweat the small stuff. Make a list of what is imperative to you and let the other things slide. Steadfast stress is a sure killer. Let your motto be to ' Change the things you can and accept the things you cannot'. Most importantly- prepare to tell the heterogeneity between the two.

Look on the brighter side of things

Positive thinking intensifies your psychological, stirring and physical health. Optimistic people are healthier and happier. They live longer and are finer equipped to cope with life's numerous adversities.

About the author:
Hamza Davis is a top distributor with Juice Plus. To receive greater information, please visit http://www.iluvjuiceplus.com