Dynamic Stretching

By:john parker

Dynamic stretches
For sports that involve sprinting and changes of direction, the general warm-up prior to dynamic stretching should include jogging as well as short sprints and multi-directional running (such as sideways and backwards).
Dynamic stretching is good for 'waking muscles up' to get them ready to work hard. This involves moving your limbs through the full range of motion that they will be used in during the game or training. Gradually increase the range of the movement over a series of repetitions.

Do not force movements or lose control of the movement.
Repeat the following examples about 12 times - you may need to do more or less than this number depending on how tight your muscles feel.
This period should take about 3-5 minutes.

Dynamic Stretches

Leg swings forward and back
(Gluteals, hamstrings, hip flexors)
• Hold on to a solid object and balance on one leg
• Swing the other leg forwards to a comfortable height ensuring that your trunk and lower back stay rigid and do not bend.
• Then swing the leg back, again ensuring that there is minimal movement in the back. • Change legs and repeat.
• Swing to a height that suits your flexibility.
• Forcing the leg high by swinging too hard may result in injury.

Leg swings side to side
(Hamstrings, adductors)
• Hold on to a solid object and balance on one leg.
• Turn your foot on the leg you are balancing on outwards.
• Swing that leg away from the body turning the foot to point at the sky.
• Then swing the leg across the body pointing the toes in the direction your leg is moving.
• Check that you are minimizing the amount of movement through your lower back.

Hurdle step overs
(Gluteals, adductors)
• Hold on to a solid object and stand with one leg slightly further back than the other.
• Lift the back leg knee high and then rotate leg outwards and step down. Then reverse the movement by rotating the leg outwards then taking the knee night to the front.
• Return to the start position. Check that you are minimizing truck movement. Alternate legs and repeat

Lower leg calf raises
(Calves) (soleus and gastrocnemius)
• Start with your body in a push-up position, with your feet side by side.
• Support your weight with your hands and feet.
• Start stretching your calves by pushing one heel towards the ground then onto the ball of the foot and then back again.
• Alternate between legs.

Upper body trunk rotation
(Trunk muscles - abdominals, back and chest)
• Stand with the back straight and knees slightly bent.
• Start swinging your body at waist height - you should feel this mostly in your lower back.
• Move your arms higher to around shoulder height to feel a stretch through the middle back.
• Now raise your arms to above your head to feel the stretch higher in the back.
• If you find any tight areas do extra repetitions without forcing the movement.
• In this exercise you should concentrate more on gradually increasing the range of movement rather than the speed of movement.

Bent over upper body rotation
(Trunk muscles - abdominals, back and chest, adductors, hamstrings)
• Bend at the hips so that your lower back still keeps its natural inward curve - you might need to bend your knees a little.
• Rotate the trunk and arms to reach towards the opposite toe while bending that leg.
• Alternate sides.
• Reach as low as your flexibility allows - its not necessary to touch the toes if you can't reach that low.

Arm circles
(Muscles around the shoulder)
• Stand with the back straight and knees slightly bent.
• Swing both your arms around in circles starting with small circles progressing towards larger ones.
• Circles should be done both forwards and backwards.
• If you find tightness in an area, spend more time working on that area to loosen it up.

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