Evening Primrose Oil: Your Health Deserves Some Nature Care!
- By:Bryan Josling Bryan Josling
Evening primrose oil is extracted from Oenathera Biennis. Usually, the seeds of these herbs are used for extracting the oil. Gentle climate is the pre requisite condition for the growing of these herbs. In North America, Europe and some parts of Asia, Oenathera Biennis plants are found in a large number. Needless to say, each part of these hubs can be used as food force. Its roots can be eatable through boiling, its seeds can be roasted and sometimes they can be taken as an alternative of coffee.
Evening primrose oil is used excessively in making cosmetics and medicines. The reason is the presence of adequate amount of essential fatty acids or EFAs. Since, human body cannot produce EFAs; hence, it is required to consume it through meals or some other ways. EFA or essential fatty acids, which evening primrose oil contains, assist in managing various body functions. These are like, utilizing insulin, controlling heart function, regulating mood and so on. Containing omega 6 fatty acids along with gramma-linolenic acids is another advantageous attribute of evening primrose oil.
A judicious combination of gramma-linolenic acids or GLA has bedecked evening primrose oil with some herbal healing powers. This combination creates prostaglandins in human body, which manage various functions of our body. Besides, the GLA of evening primrose oils works well in lowering menstrual pains, breast pain and other symptoms of PMS or pre menstrual syndrome.
For alleviating liver as well kidney problem, the seeds of evening primrose oil play an important role. Apart from that, this oil is also used in the treatment of osteoporosis, arthritis, joints paints, swelling and other problems. Moisturizing and softening effect of this oil are used for alleviating acne, sunburn, eczema and other skin problems.
Evening primrose oil does not contain any toxic material. But, sometimes one may face some problems, such as, nausea, headache etc. Usually, such symptoms are considered as minor allergic reactions.
It is always recommended to consult with a doctor before using this oil. There is no bad effect in take of evening primrose oil. The dosage of this oil varies in between1000-2000 mg per day. With this range, a person can get 270-540 mg GPA per day. But a person, undergoing the treatment of epilepsy or taking aspirin should refrain from using evening primrose oil. Availability of evening primrose oil is not a big deal. One can find this oil at any health and food stores in liquid or capsules form.
At last, it can be said that the abundant of advantages have made evening primrose oil an exclusive gift of nature and a must for our well-being.About the author:
Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. To find Evening primrose oil, body massage oil, organic aromatherapy, essential oil dilution, massage oil blends, pure essential oils, aromatherapy blends visit http://www.ndaroma.com