Exercise - a requisite for quality life
- By:john parker
Exercise is an activity that adds essence to ones life. It is the exercise in the life that helps you to keep your body functions working perfectly fine. A good goal for many people is to work up to exercising 4 to 6 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Remember, though, that exercise has so many benefits that any amount is better than none.
Exercise is always taken as the working out in gym or a lace where you lift weights etc but it’s totally a wrong perception. Exercise is an activity that is done regularly at a set time to regular functionality of your body. It helps you to maintain yourself fit. Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. It will help you to:
• have stronger muscles and bones
• have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat
• be less likely to become overweight
• decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
• possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
• Have a better outlook on life.
A good exerciser worker is always able to give best to his work and job. A fit person tends to have better perspective towards life and changing situation in life. He is able to cope up in a better way in adverse situations. It has been perceived that exercising in the working people serve as the golden tool to give best to the undertaken job. One tends to remain fit and fine. Feeling of fatigue and non willingness to work is not seen commonly.
Regular exercise helps you remain fit as it protects you from a bundle of diseases. Some of the benefits of exercising regularly are summed up as under:
• Reduces your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity
• Keeps joints, tendons and ligaments flexible so it's easier to move around
• Reduces some of the effects of aging
• Contributes to your mental well-being and helps treat depression
• Helps relieve stress and anxiety
• Increases your energy and endurance
• Helps you sleep better
• Helps you maintain a normal weight by increasing your metabolism (the rate you burn calories.
Hence, it is right saying that exercise is a requisite for happy and healthy living. So keep exercise in your daily life and see how problems run away from your life.
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