Exercise helps to fight depression and anxiety

By:john parker

Life these days has become a synonym of depression, anxiety, stress. In the busy life, no one is having time for anyone and that leads in stressful life. Many kinds of strategies are adopted in order to live a stress-free life. Modern stressful living as well as past traumas has resulted in vast numbers of people over reacting and even imagining things that do not really exist as threats or stresses or exist at all.

Exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being. It helps you deal with your stressors. Exercise helps alleviate daily tensions and might also help you learn to cope with your stressors in a better way. It has been observed that exercising produces a larger amount of anti depressant effects. It has been found that exercise has antidepressant effects only for those who are initially mild to moderately depressed.

It has been observed that exercise works off pent-up energy, diffuses anger and calms you down. Since stress affects the body (upset stomach, tense shoulders, headaches, pain in the neck or lower back, etc.) as well as the mind, it has been thought by the experts that exercise "toughens" the body so it can deal with tough situations in life. Long term exercise lowers heart rate and normalizes blood pressure so when stressful situations come along, the body is able to deal with them in better way.

Physical training or exercise gives people a sense of mastery or control over themselves and their environment. This feeling of control becomes associated with a sense of well-being that reduces anxiety and positively affects other personality variables. Exercise improves mood through biochemical processes. However, scientists still aren't sure whether mood improvements are due to an increase in endorphins or because exercise "detoxifies" the body by quickly getting rid of stress-related hormones, it may be anyways; but the thing is sure that exercising helps a person fight depression and anxiety.

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