Fat-Burning Exercises
- By:Chris Chenoweth
Today, very few people are getting enough exercise. Sitting all day in front of a computer or any other job that confines people to an office does not give the body enough of a workout. If you have more fat on your body than you should have, how can you burn it?
Learn how to make the most of your body’s ability to burn fat quickly and naturally. Burning fat is all about using up more calories than your body takes in. Otherwise, those extra calories will be stored away as body fat. Daily exercise, together with a healthy diet, is the best way to lose that fat and give you the results you are looking for.
First, make a few minor changes to your lifestyle. Eat breakfast! Eating breakfast revs up your metabolism and gives your body the energy it needs to get through the morning. When you eat your other meals throughout the day, eat smaller portions of food and eat them more often. This will keep your metabolism churning along.
Move! To burn calories, any kind of movement, whether it’s walking, climbing stairs, dancing, or mowing the lawn, will help enhance your body’s ability to burn fat and increase your metabolism. Increasing your metabolism will, in turn, help you lose weight faster.
Power walking, jogging, running, elliptical training, bicycling and swimming are excellent aerobic exercises that force your body to burn a higher percentage of calories from fat. These types of exercises, consisting of smooth and continuous movements, contribute many outstanding benefits to the human body without risking injury or stressing it.
*Improve Cardiovascular Fitness: Aerobic exercises get the heart beating faster to transport oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the muscles. The heart and lungs grow more efficient with a regular exercise regimen, reducing blood pressure and the resting heart rate. This type of exercise also facilitates recovery from many ailments, including heart attacks.
*Improve Blood Circulation: For people with poor circulation to the arms and legs, aerobic exercise can increase the size and improve the efficiency of the tiny vessels that supply blood for cellular respiration. Anyone diagnosed with poor circulation should see a doctor before beginning an exercise program.
*Improve Emotional Well-Being: Psychologically, aerobic exercise generates an overall feeling of well-being and can relieve depression, anxiety and stress by producing endorphins, the body's natural tranquillizer. A brisk 20-minute workout will relax you and stimulate your thinking.
*Lose Weight: The fundamental health benefits of aerobic exercise are many. Exercising helps control weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels and enhances your body’s ability to burn fat by increasing your metabolism. It is the perfect complement to a sensible, healthy diet to lose weight and keep it off.
If you are more than 40 years old and have any problems with weight, respiration, blood pressure, heart problems, pulse rate, or cholesterol, check with your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen. The same goes for diabetics, smokers, or people with pre-existing injuries or a family history of heart problems.
The most important thing to remember is the more muscle groups you use in your daily exercise routine, the more fat you will burn. Once you have trained your body to be an efficient fat-burner, your body will increase its muscle density. Since muscle cells burn calories faster than fat cells, your body will require more food. Believe it or not, this means you get to eat more food!
About the author:
Chris Chenoweth writes articles pertaining to diet, health, and business.
One of the most effective and healthy weight loss systems available, the BURN THE FAT program, teaches you how to force your body to burn fat and lose weight.