Fit childhood a way to happy and healthy life

By:john parker

Fitness is the most important thing to be considered in the life of an individual. If fitness is given importance right from the beginning, one tends to life without more healthy and successful life. It is believed that people who had fit childhood tend to live happy, healthy free from risks of ailments in life.

The findings, published in the journal Obesity, add to concerns that the growing number of children who are born heavy or gain weight quickly in early life are likelier to face future health problems, including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and possibly asthma.

It is believed that including the activities like swimming, walking, jogging, dancing, cycling or playing games etc such activities promote to ones fitness with entertainment. It is perceived that the people who are fit in their childhood have fewer worries and complain less about tension or depression in their later life. It has been stated that majority of the adults in the country face various health problems and are prey to ailments as tension or depression, a reason for a worrisome life can be unfit childhood.

It would be better to encourage an increase in physical activity across the board, at both school and at home. But yes crossing the limit or overdoing the exercise should be guarded to promote well being. As while playing or exercise if a child is enjoying he tends to over do it that may have some hazardous results too. Hence, correct amount of exercise should be included to ensure fit childhood and happy life in later stages of life.

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