How Yoga Can Help in Lowering Cholesterol ?
- By:Ahmed Fouad Fouad
The main factor with cholesterol is that the fats in your body don't get burned up due to lack of physical activity or improper life style.
The cholesterol flows in the blood and an increase in its amount make the cholesterol deposit on the walls of the blood vessels. The result is clogging of the blood arteries.
Yoga, uses exercises (asanas) to relax and tone the muscles and to massage the organs, breathing techniques (pranayama) to regulate the body's energy levels, meditations to calm the mind, and relaxation postures to reduce and eliminate stress and anxiety.
The practice of yoga improves the blood and oxygen flow around the body which aids in the removal of toxins and waste. For yoga to be truly beneficial to the lowering of your unwanted bad cholesterol it must be practiced on a regular basis.
Also Yoga reduces stress hormones, which in turn lowers cholesterol. That’s why meditation is similar to yoga in its cholesterol-lowering power.
The practice of yoga will learn you to replace those unwanted weaker habits with good strong ones
Yoga will surely help you get rid of the cholesterol and you will be highly satisfied when after two months you go to check the level and find them impressively low.
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