I Finally Have 6 Pack Abs
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I am 41 and have exercised my entire life. The problem I have always had is that I have never really looked like it. I finally decided that for the first time in my life I wanted to look like I exercised, I wanted 6 pack abs. I was willing to work very hard to obtain my goal I came to the realization after working out all these years with little to show for it for in order for the body to reach its potential 3 components are needed: strength training, aerobic training, and nutrition.
Strength training is necessary for the body to reach its potential for anyone on a “diet”. Muscle burns fat at a very high rate and thus it’s a vital key for anyone trying to lose weight. Muscle will continue to burn fat even while we are sleeping.
Aerobic training is another important aspect of our plan because the obvious calorie burning that aerobic activities specialize in. A secondary benefit is the overall conditioning of our body which tends to keep us all looking much younger than our actual age.
Nutrition is the third component. Notice I didn’t say “diet”. Our bodies need to be fed about 5 or 6 times daily to achieve optimal results. It seems hard for most of us to believe that in order to achieve our best bodies we need to eat more often, not less often. It is important that our meals are fortified with high quality proteins and carbohydrates.
These 3 simple components: strength training, aerobic training and nutrition helped me reach my goal of obtaining 6 pack abs, it can do the same for you. To look and feel many years younger I suggest you follow a similar program.About the author:
Carol Smith
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