I Live with a Depressed Person: What Can I Do?
- By:Mitamins Team
Depression has become a modern day epidemic, with 20 million Americans experiencing major depression at some point during their lives. Many more experience mild or moderate depression symptoms.
Depression Treatment: The Good News
A variety of Western and natural depression treatments exist today, as well as support groups, psychotherapy, and exercise. Studies show that between 70 to 90% of those who receive depression treatment recover from their symptoms. All the evidence is very clear on this: depression symptoms can be controlled, and mild to moderate depression can be treated completely.
Depression Treatment: The Bad News
However - and this is a real tragedy - many people suffering from depression symptoms do not get the treatment they need. Depression treatment that is available, which has a devastating effect on marriages and family relations, is either not given to patients because of misdiagnosis, or is out of the price range for some sufferers. In addition, pharmaceutical depression treatments often have very severe side-effects, which are not suitable for the milder symptoms often suffered.
Taking Control of Your Loved One’s Depression
Clearly more information is needed so that misdiagnosis does not occur, and better support can be given to those who need it. For those who can’t afford traditional medicines - or for those who cannot stand the debilitating side-effects - alternative treatments for depression symptoms are needed.
The first step in helping with a loved one’s depression is to know that the support, the information, and the treatments are all there for you to discover. You are not alone if you live with someone who needs treatment for depression symptoms(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Depression.html).
Signs and Symptoms of Depression
Depression is an illness that has many facets. It helps to understand depression symptoms and specifically how they affect people’s relationships with others. It is important to keep in mind that people suffering from depression(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Depression.html):
1. have low self-esteem and lowered self-confidence, and in turn, can devalue or lose confidence in their relationships.
2. strain relationships by self-centered behavior, being withdrawn, confused or irritable.
3. feel incapable of lightening the burden they are placing on others.
4. often don’t realize they need depression treatment, much less the effect their condition has on their loved ones.
5. can become non-productive or unable to function in their career, impacting on the lives of others.
6. may have lowered libido, which impacts a marriage.
7. find it more difficult to think or concentrate, so normal functioning in a relationship is also affected.
8. may resist their love one’s attempts to offer depression treatment(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Depression.html).
Of course, not only the patient suffers from depression symptoms. Living with a depressed person can lead you to:
1. blame yourself
2. feel demoralized, overly criticized or not appreciated
3. develop resentments because needs are not met
4. desire to be free from a pessimistic or sad atmosphere in the home
5. not have all the benefits that a relationship offers, because your loved one is unable to fulfill that role.
Treatment of Depression Symptoms: A 6-Point Plan
To deal with living with someone needing depression treatment, positive steps you can take include the following six things:
1. Attending a support group for family and friends of a depressed person, people who are willing to offer support.
2.Joining an online forum support group offering advice on depression treatment if you can’t find a support group in your community.
3. Learning everything you can about the treatment of depression symptoms from books on the subject and by listening to experts.
4. Making attempts to get the person to overcome their denial about needing depression treatment and/or diagnosis.
5. Listening to the depressed person’s own description of his or her feelings and experience of depression symptoms. Refrain from verbally analyzing the condition yourself.
6. Relying on a professional such as a reliable, experienced psychologist to describe what things you could try that might be helpful either to you or your loved one.
If your loved one avoids depression treatment and diagnosis, take definite steps that keep yourself healthy by seeking support and professional help. Living with a depressed person is a difficult thing for all parties involved. In the long term, because you care for your loved one, your actions to get help may turn out to be what makes the difference for everyone.