I've Got Acne: Which Acne Medicine Should I Be Using?

By:kirk smith

Acne is a very common condition and notorious for producing pimples on the face and upper torso. Many will additionally suffer with pimples or spots on the back and neck which can be very uncomfortable. The condition of Acne is so common that it is considered to be a normal part of puberty and usually placed into one of three categories being mild, moderate or severe. However, the bad news is that the condition isn't just restricted to adolescents so it is also possible to develop acne in later life as well.

Should We Be Worried About Getting Acne?

Acne is not a serious health threat but it can cause scars so we need to bare this in mind when considering the seriousness of the disease. Very often sufferers will find their skin inflamed and irritated; subsequently causing them to scratch the infected area/s thus creating additional unease and scarring.

How Can We Treat The Condition Effectively?

There are a number of acne medicines available on the market all of which are designed to help with the treatment of the condition and help clear the skin. One of the most popular agents for treating Acne is 'isotretinoin' which is commonly know as Accutane and will greatly reduce the irritation that acne can cause. You may also consider Acnope acne cream that is an anti-acne, anti wrinkle cream that helps dry acne and fight germs and also Clearasil vanishing cream is also meant to be a great acne cream.

Rather than being overly concerned about something that may be unavoidable, learn what Acne medicine ingredients offer effective treatment and then take it from there. It is all too easy to get caught up in the stigma of having acne and forget to pay attention to the actual underlying concern.

What About Topical Medications?

Topical acne medications may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or tretinoin, or retinoic acid. It is therefore imperative that before commencing any such treatment that you seek professional guidance from your Doctor. Particularly for women as the use of a topical acne cream during pregnancy may be questionable and as such should only be take on the advice of a medical practitioner. However, the amount of topical acne cream during pregnancy that is absorbed through the skin is really quite minimal.

Is There A Cure?

Acne Medical researchers are working on new drugs to treat acne, particularly topical antibiotics to replace some of those in current use. With this in mind it is optimistic that researchers of acne may very well introduce a solution to greatly alleviate the condition. It seems however, that people will do almost anything to sell an acne cure these days so you need to be particularly careful with when shopping around. When it comes to zits and finding the acne cure it can be quite a challenging task so proceed with caution. And, by the way, don't buy a suggested acne cure, apply it for a week and expect that your acne will be gone forever. If only life was that simple!

Your first point of call in any instance is a visit to your family Doctor who will assess the situation and advise accordingly. Your Doctor may even refer you to a specialist dermatologist for further help. Remember, don't be too worried or overly concerned if you have acne as you are not alone; it is one of the most common skin disorders and can easily be treated with the right medication.

About the author:

If you suffer from or know of a person affected by Acne then be sure to visit the Acne Medicine Site. Clive thoroughly recommends this site so please check it out today here: - http://www.acnesmedicine.com. For comprehensive and immediate, acne and skin care information.