Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms: A New Hope

By:Jack Lee

IBS is a widespread occurrence and makes up about twenty to twenty five percent of visits to gastroenterologists. It is a disorder of the bowels involving irregular patterns and movements resulting in painful bathroom breaks. There are multiple levels of IBS that vary in severity and can truly result in fever, acute diarrhea, and even vomiting for those whose signs spawned from an infection.

There are many potential symptoms for Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Generally the tell-tale sign that one is coming down with some stress and soreness in the abdominal area. This can happen if there are changes in patterns of your bowel habits. Normally it is relieved by doing number 2 in the bathroom.

It has been contended that there are other components to Irritable bowel syndrome beyond bowel habits, and having some overlap with stress, chronic pelvic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, figromyalgia, hypoglycaemia, and within a small minority of people even diverse mental disorders.

There are many other scientific and medical explanations for the onset of IBS symptoms and there also exists many methods to diagnose whether one truly has IBS or not ranging from the Manning Criteria, Rome Process, to Differential Diagnoses. There are many potential routes for treatment options ranging from a change in diet, medication, and alternative treatments for those who suffer from Irritable bowel syndrome.

As of yet, although IBS is so ubniquitous (especially in the USA and Europe), there is no one hundred rationale of why it exists and many strategies for experiencing it has arisen as a result. The best thing to do is to consult with a medical professional to help diagnose your IBS and to see which lines of defense you have to avert this painful situation in the future. Tangible help is on hand to those who seek it.

About the author:

Symptoms of colitis along with more valuable IBS info are available at You're welcome to visit day or night!