Jojoba Oil: Give Your Beauty An Elegant Touch!
- By:Cindy Boswell
Jojoba oil is namely a sort of vegetable oil. Crushed bean of jojoba shrubs are used to make this oil. Generally, in southwestern United States, Israel and Argentina, these shrubs are found in large numbers. In aromatherapy, jojoba oil is used as an essential element.
After extracting from crushed bean of jojoba shrubs, jojoba oils is filtrated and pasteurized. These processes are followed for ensuring the safety of the oil. Usually, four types of jojoba oils are produced. These are like,
•Through the basic production process, pure, golden-yellow colored oil is produced.
•Through bleaching and filtration, refined and bleached jojoba oil is produced, which is colorless.
•Through distillation, jojoba oil is also produced in a minimum quantity.
•Normally, in cosmetics industries, colorless jojoba oil is used, as for making cosmetics; oils need to be colorless and scentless.
As popular base oil, jojoba oil is used in aromatherapy excessively. As conditioner, softener, moisturizer and cleanser, jojoba oil is mainly applied for skin and hair treatment. Direct application of jojoba oil on the skin can make skin soft and shiny. For healing wrinkles, scars and stretch marks, jojoba oil works marvelously. Deep nourishment with this oil ensures a glowing skin and prevent from having any stretch mark. Besides, this oil is used in the treatment of acne, cold sores etc.
Do you wish to get healthy scalp and hair? Jojoba oil will be the best option for you. This oil makes hair as well as scalp healthy. The similar and miscible nature of Jojoba oil has increased its use in various hair related problems. Various reasons like, age, pollution, stress can be responsible for lessening sebum production. In such cases, this oil can be used as an alternative of sebum oil. Conditioning hair and protecting hair from dullness and damage are another important attribute of jojoba oil. In case of excessive sebum, with jojoba oil, it can be removed. In addition, this oil prevents hair from sticky build up and creates a lipid layer on the skin.
Jojoba oil is commonly used as an important ingredient in moisturizers, conditioners, facial, body lotions, shampoos, creams, cleansers, soaps lotions and so on. Using of this oil as the base of manufacturing perfume is noticeable as well.
One can apply jojoba oil onto skin as face and body care. But it is advisable to use the oil as a base of massage oils, in case of face as well as body massage. You can add 5-15 drops jojoba oil to the essential oil, it will give you an effective result.About the author:
Cindy Boswell is working with the New Directions UK. She has also been involved in the research work on plants and oils for a long time. To find