Maintain Healthy Skin of your Child through Baby Skin Care

By:Mia Bilkins

It is true that baby skin is exceptionally delicate and sensitive. It needs a special care. In other words, proper moisturizing and cleaning is required. Studies have also proven that baby skin is highly prone to allergic reactions. So while choosing various baby skin care products, it is necessary to know that they don’t contain any harsh chemicals.

Today, there are different types of product available which have been especially manufactured by considering the sensitivity and delicacy of the baby skin. Various baby skin care products are mild shampoos, moisturizers, sunscreens and different sweet powders etc.

While purchasing these baby skin care products, the person must be little cautious. Because, sometimes it is seen that some of the products (which forms the part of baby skin care) are not at all mild. So while buying, it must be made sure that a quality and reputed product is being purchased.

Sometimes, it is seen that certain baby skin care products are very much fragranced. This implies that it contain artificial added fragrance which can be allergic to baby. Not even baby, sometimes adults are also prone to allergy due to highly fragranced articles.

The person should avoid buying those baby skin care products which contains peppermints, citrus and menthol flavor because, these are highly allergic to sensitive skin specially baby skin.

Above were the little precautions to be followed while buying various baby skin care products. But, the real question arises what to use for taking care of baby skin?

It is well known that baby skin is gentle, delicate and easily prone to allergy. So, efforts must be made to buy color and scent free products. In simple words, the products which are completely gentle and mild must be used.

Baby skin must be protected from direct sunrays because UVA cause rashes and redness to delicate and sensitive skin. So, in order to avoid such situation the sunscreen with SPF 15 must be applied when there is an exposure to direct sun light.
It is recommended, not use talcum powder on the baby skin. Instead of talcum, it is suggested to use plain corn starch as it is natural and doesn’t have any adverse affect on the baby skin.

So, next time whenever you go for purchasing different type of baby skin care products, make sure that you go for fragrance free, color free and quality product as this is a matter of your baby’s skin.

About the author:
Mia Bilkins is working with the New Directions AU. He has also been involved in research on plants and oils for a long time.
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