Maximize Your Fitness Routine!

By:john parker

Focus on consistency. Work out for at least 2 hours per week, and try to work out at the same time. Get on a schedule; develop a routine, make it a habit. The more you work out, the more you will know your body and feel the benefits.
To achieve total body fitness, do both strength and aerobic training. You need to develop the muscle you see (on the outside of your body) and the muscle you can't see (your heart on the inside). The more muscle you have, the more calories you will expend; it takes more energy to move muscle than fat.
If you're just starting out, try 3 times a week. For each session, do some kind of light aerobic training (5 to 10 minutes to warm-up) followed by a strength routine followed by some additional light aerobics (15 to 20 minutes).
As your body gets in better shape, you can alternate your workouts: one day strength, one day aerobic, one day strength, one day aerobic, one day strength, one more day of aerobic (if you're feeling strong), a day of rest, then start again.
DON'T push yourself too hard. Remember, increase your intensity in slow increments. You don't have to push yourself to extreme soreness or exhaustion to improve your health and fitness. It's not good for your mind or body.
As a general rule for strength training, each set (a non-stop event) should consist of between 8 to 12 repetitions (performing the same muscular movement). An example would be doing 10 military presses without resting; this is 1 set of 10 reps. Once you can do 12 reps for each set of a particular exercise, think about increasing the weight.
As a general rule for aerobic training, you need to keep moving (walking, jogging, bicycling, etc.) for a duration of at least 20 continuous minutes at a pace where you can carry on a conIdeal Fitnesstion. At this level, you will be maximizing your calorie expenditure but not taxing you cardiovascular (heart muscle) system. As you get in better shape, you should think about increasing the duration and intensity.
BE PATIENT. It's one of the hardest things to do, but it's a must. Isn't there some kind of saying that says "Good things come with time"?
Try to do some form of stomach workout at least 5 days a week. You don't have to do a lot, just be consistent. Over time, you will definitely feel your stomach getting stronger and more toned. The amount of actual stomach fat you lose, of course, is a product of your calorie intake and calorie expenditure.
Remember the magic formula: 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of weight. To carry along with the "patient" concept, it's better to lose fat weight or gain muscle weight slowly. If you lose weight fast, you're probably losing water weight and muscle mass, which is definitely no wise in the long run. If you eat to the extreme in an effort to gain muscle weight fast, you'll probably increase your level of fat.

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