Motivation to Partner you with Success
- By:Alwyn Beikoff
Is your motivation to exercise and diet weaker than your procrastination?
Have you been finding it hard to get motivated even though you know you'll benefit from doing whatever it is you're avoiding?
Do you find it too easy to come up with reasons not to exercise? And if you do actually get out of you TV program and into your exercise program, how easy is it to comply when your body says ‘Enough! I’m tired. Let’s knock off’?
Every person who’s embarked on an exercise program for whatever reason, has faced these very challenges with motivation at some time or another.
Would you like to know one of the best ways to overcome these challenges?
This idea takes advantage of the fact that you aren’t Robinson Crusoe (remember he’s the guy who was all alone marooned on an island… at least until Friday showed up). Others struggle with exercising just like you do. But rather than get together and whinge to each other how hard it is to keep up get together and get each other going.
Buddy up with a partner who has a similar goal as yours for exercising. Whether your exercise is a morning walk, going to an aerobics class, training for a sport or working out in a gym, the right training partner will keep you accountable to your quest, and provide your much-needed motivation.
Having a partner to exercise with is like having a coach and being a coach at the same time. It is a win-win two-way arrangement.
The commitment to a training buddy means you’ll not listen to that voice in your head trying to justify why you shouldn’t exercise today.
If you give in to the voice you’ll let your partner down when you don’t show up for your workout or whatever it is you’ve agreed to do together.
Once you are engaged in your exercise activity a good partner will encourage you to keep going just that little bit more than you’d probably do if you were by yourself. Your body might say ‘Quit’ but if your buddy says ‘Keep going, you can do it’, you most likely will keep going.
Bodybuilders know that it’s those last few reps that are in the pain zone that bring the most benefit by way of muscle growth. This is the zone you won’t get to if you listen to your body’s quit signal.
These motivating factors that are the benefits of having a training partner will help you achieve the progress your desire in your exercise activity program. Once you see and feel the benefits of sticking with your program your own internal motivation will increase.
If you can’t get a training partner then enlist the aid of a coach. A good coach will keep you feeling accountable, keep you motivated and encourage you in your efforts. Everyone likes to have someone cheering them on. Your coach will be your cheer squad and training partner even if they work with you from a distance.
A competent compatible partner to exercise with or coach you can add immeasurably to the intensity of your sessions and help you keep the motivation you need to achieve your exercise goals more quickly. Seek out your training buddy or fitness coach now and power each other toward your goals.About the author:
Alwyn Beikoff ( is an educator and personal performance coach who helps people the world over to change the way they think and create the body and life they desire.