
By:Craig Burton

Today we examine a highly influential part of my health approach - naturopathy.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy, also known as natural medicine, or natural therapeutics, is the western version of other holistic, nature-based medical systems that harness the body's own natural healing process (like Chinese medicine).

Naturopaths believe the healing power of the body is the most powerful tool and should be supported - not overridden. The body can heal cuts, mend broken bones, rid itself of infections and achieve feats when given a chance that makes no competition against any man-made drug.

History and theory
The roots of naturopathy go back to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is often quoted as saying, "one man's food is another man's poison", which is the basis of Metabolic Typing MT (see archive for more on MT). Hippocrates believed the foundations of health and vitality were supportive eating, adequate rest and exercise - and that cures should stimulate the body's natural healing ability.

Modern naturopathy evolved from Austrian friar Father Kneipp and German Vincent Preissnitz in the 19th century. They further developed Hippocrates idea and formulated the two concepts central to modern naturopathy:

1. Nature cure - the body has the power to heal itself.
2. Natural hygiene - the body requires clean air and water, regular exercise and fresh food, in order to be healthy.

Naturopaths believe the body has a natural state of equilibrium, known as "homeostasis", and a "vital force" that facilitates healing. They also believe poor diet, lack of exercise, inadequate fresh air and sunlight, too much stress or too many negative thoughts can disturb this equilibrium and lead to disease.

Another considered cause of disease is the accumulation of toxins in the body caused by poor elimination of waste products, ingesting chemicals or additives, or the inhaling pollutants. These toxins can weaken the immune system and suppress the body's vital force. Here the role of the naturopath is to use techniques to assist in the body's process of elimination.

Naturopath's tool bag
Naturopaths use various techniques and therapies to promote health and healing including:
•Advising on healthy foods options
•Herbal and homeopathic remedies
•Detoxification regimes (including fasting, enemas and colonic irrigation) to help eliminate toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system
•Hydrotherapy (using hot and cold baths, mineral spas and douches)
•Breathing exercises and stretches are used to improve flexibility and promote relaxation
•Osteopathic manipulation is used to correct structural misalignment
•Massage is used to improve circulation and relax the body and mind

Consulting a practitioner
Naturopaths are widespread in the US, Germany and Australia. There are fewer naturopaths in the UK and other European countries, but their numbers are steadily rising.

At the first consultation, a naturopath will take your medical history and may check blood pressure and lung function, or suggest blood or other medical tests. They may also use less orthodox testing such as iridology (iris diagnosis) and radionic testing. You'll generally be given dietary and exercise recommendations and may be asked to follow a cleansing diet or a short fast.

To find a qualified practitioner, we suggest you contact one of the relevant organizations.

In the UK you could contact the General Council and Register of Naturopaths (GCRN). The GCRNs keep a register of over 300 qualified practitioners of naturopathy. Website:

For other countries see their national governing body, easily found via the internet.

Your 3d Coach
Craig Burton

Reference complementary_medicine/therapies_naturopathy.shtml

About the author:
Article by Craig Burton. Craig is a prominent European based holistic health and fitness coach and founder of 3D Personal Training Systems. Craig is a Sports Science graduate with postgraduate accreditations in nutrition, massage, athletic training, and corrective exercise therapy.
He is the author of "The 21 Day Roadmap to Health" available at
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