Oh, No! Not Another Tip Please!

By:Rangoo Srinivas

10 Tips For ...Oh No Not Another Tip Please!While surfing the internet I have read thousands of tips. Five tips to eat your banana the right way to 20 tips to earn millions online. Someone somewhere said that titles of this kind work. So bam.. everyone starts using those titles and I am flooded with a four tip here and a 1000 tip there.Mind and BodyI get irritated reading this part and cannot move ahead.Even when I decide to read the article, the real idea does not make an impact on me because my irritated mind is browsing through the words.My mind, (oh the terrible one), in fact, is the one who controls my body. And he just wouldn't listen to anyone's tips.Why I Don't Feel like Accepting Advice Hundreds of people have told me it is good to exercise. And when I cannot exercise but have read this tip a hundred times, the guilt feeling makes me feel worse. I wish I had not read that tip at all. I wish I heard it just once and forgot it immediately rather than get it deeply implanted in my mind by 100 people dinning it into me.What Makes Us Want to Change Our BehaviorThen when do I really exercise? When do I feel like going to the gym?Some of the reasons could be:1. I just met someone interesting and I want to watch my figure or spruce up my muscles.2. I saw that ...woman or man looking much better than me and I thought...3. I have got this splendid opportunity to appear on the TV and be watched by millions...I don't want to list 100 reasons. But the list can go on.What is the SolutionWhat have I done now?I have collected a bunch of audio health tips and I have worked out a plan for myself to execute them.Do you want to know the method I have worked out for myself?I think, more than the method, how I arrived at the method will help you work out your own plan.1. I began thinking about why I do not follow any advice, which I know is likely to be useful to me.The advice has come from someone else. That someone has given this problem a lot of thought and arrived at a solution or a series of solutions.I have not yet begun to think about this problem seriously. So the advice just passes before my eyes, as I read them, like the scenary swishing past my speeding car.Solution: Before I start reading the tips, I need to pause for two minutes and think about it myself. What are MY solutions to this problem? Then I compare my ideas with the advice giver. I have just slowed down the car to watch the scenary and take in the beauty.2. I glance through all the tips and choose one, which I think I can follow. I just listen to the tips once and pick only one tip that I want to start with. Suppose I get that as the first tip of my collection, I pause, go and try that and come back to the other tips. If I do not like the first tip I go on listening till I find one I like.3. I reread or relisten to the tip I want to implement. I am going to do only this today. How do I do it. What is the best way to do it? 4. I add a bit of my own idea to the tip I have listened to. This is what the tip says. But I want to do it in a better manner. What can I add to the tip to improve it.5. The next day when I listen to the next tip, I try to link it with what I have already listened and tried to implement.6. I keep a diary for myself and jot down points, what I tried, how far I succeeded and what problems I faced.Some People quote others words, some implement them in their own life and some others add their own bit to the knowledge bank.By attempting the third level, contributing to the knowledge bank, I ensure I succeed in at least level two.I always aim for something more than I can do so that even if I fall back a little I am successful in achieving what I plan for. If I aim for only reaching my specific goal, I end up below the level I wanted to reach.This has worked for me. What works for you? Find out.

About the author:
Rangoo Srinivas, a retired teacher, has collected health related information for personal use and found them to be good enough to share with others. She began analyzing, evaluating and assimilating available information to present them in easily swallowable capsule format without the medical jargon. The audio tips she has collected discuss topics related to leading a healthy life.
Her health related site is http://www.audio-health-tips.info. If you have any questions, Ask Rangoo.