Omega 4000 Juicer: A Trusted Name in Juicing
- By:Alien Sheng
The Omega 4000 Juicer is a fantastic product that has met and exceeded the needs of several individuals who have purchased the product.
With 250 watts of power to juice anything to a fine and clean pulp, you can not afford to be without it. It will make the best juice coloration and flavor that money can buy without compromise.
You can get an Omega 4000 juicers online or factory direct from the company. Their products are backed by a 15 year guarantee.
The optimum level of RPM is 5200 RPM for Peak Efficiency. With a classic 50s style, it will look bold and unique in any kitchen, whether model or having a more retro-type feel to it.
The product is a wonderful piece of machinery and has been compared to the model 1000. It has been said that the model 4000 is a stronger candidate for functionality and ease of use than the model 1000.
The reason is because of the basket that carries the pulp. The basket in the 1000 doesn't actually push up out of the basket, it moves outside of the basket and is much like a washing machine.
The 4000 however actually makes the by-product move up and out of the shoot through the cone shaped basket and the revolutions that it makes.
The 1000 can also be noisy when all the pulp meets to one side of the product when in use, where as I said before, the 4000's cone basket forced the by-product from the shoot.
If you don't think either one of those models will suit your needs, I would like to introduce you to one more of the Omega 4000 Juicer family members.
It is called the Omega Model 8003/8005. They have two different colors available which is why they have different model numbers available.
They are the same product, but one is white and the other is black and silver, respectively. For purposes of this article we are going to focus on model 8003, just remember that 8005 does the same thing.
Model 8003 is the ultimate in juicing power. It has the ability to blend wheat grass juice, mince, grind, create pasta, nut butter, and even soy milk, all on top of its normal duties.
Do you choose the Omega Model 4000, 1000, 8003 or the 8005? The choice really comes down to a choice of space in your home and functionality.About the author:
Alien writes for Blackheads . He also writes for home remedies and puffy eyes