Omega 8005 Juicer - More Juice For Less Fruit

By:Alien Sheng

The Omega 8005 juicer will ensure that you receive your five-a-day intake of fruit and vegetables without compromising on vitamins and minerals.

While some juicers will struggle with greens and small fruits, producing very little juice, the Omega 8005 will extract goodness from the tiniest berry through to sprigs of parsley and won’t leave you with fiddly, awkward parts to clean afterwards, simply rinse with soapy water and your done.

The Omega 8005 juicers have a built in low running motor that ensures that all of the enzymes in your fruit and vegetables remain and are not destroyed by heat.

It also ensures that fruit and vegetables are gently squeezed rather than crushed, almost as though Mother Nature herself were gently exuding only the purest, freshest nectar from her loving hands.

With the Omega 8005 juicer, only dried fruit ends up in the bowl, all of the goodness ends up in your glass!

This outstanding model produces a low volume of sound but a high volume of juice and smiling will be the second thing you will do with your lips after tasting the freshly, squeezed infusion of nutrient rich juice that this model will produce.

Be prepared for a taste explosion that dances on your tongue and revitalizes your whole body from inside out.

Omega 8005 juicers are ideal for people with busy lifestyles as they give you the goodness you need, when you need it and will save you hours of cleaning up afterwards. Because these juicers run at a slower speed, foamy juice will be a distant memory.

Small enough to fit into the tiniest kitchen space, this model shows that good things really do come in little packages. Omega juicers offer excellent value for money as they allow you to obtain more juice from less fruit.

Omega 8005 Models
The Omega 8005 Juicer - For Wheatgrass, Fruits and Vegetables, makes light work of all your juicing needs without the need to pause for unclogging or emptying blocked components.

This clever little model will stand proudly on your worktop waiting to tackle your fruit and vegetable challenges and will also mince, grind, chop, puree and make pasta without compromising on quality.

It will eat its way through even the most difficult of foods such as wheatgrass or even pine needles and with a ten year warranty, you can be sure that you will never run out of juice again.

The Omega 8005 Multipurpose has an electric juicer that is easy to use even if you suffer from arthritis. So, throughout the year, this trustworthy model will bring out the best of all your seasonal fruit and vegetables where the richness of the fruit will come from nature and the freshness of the juice will flow with a lilting melody of color into your glass.

This handyman of the kitchen will even grind your coffee beans and chop those delicate little herbs and seasonings so all of your meals taste as delicious as your juices.

It will keep baby happy with soft purees and bring out the Italian in you with home-made fresh pasta and bread sticks. No more chopping fruit and vegetables, just hand these tedious chores over to your little helper who will make light work of any task you throw his way!

For after a meal, you can enjoy some wonderful desserts. As this model doesn’t need separate attachments for its multi-tasking skills, it doesn’t take hours to clean!

About the author:
Alien writes for Blackheads . He also writes for home remedies and puffy eyes