Oxidative Stress: Prevention for Long Life
- By:Mark Emslie
Oxygen is vital to us and our bodies. As we breathe, it helps us produce energy, and as the oxygen is used by our bodies, specific organisms known as free radicals, are made. They work in tandem with body cells creating oxidative stress, that is, cell damage. In this way the cells proteins, genes, and membrane may be affected. Links have been made between oxidative stress and a variety of diseases and even the ageing process itself.
Your body produces antioxidants in its fight against those harmful free radicals produced during the oxidative stress process. The level of antioxidant production is a function of the body’s genes. Other factors including; diet, environment, and smoking may affect it to.
Your lifestyle is important to in setting the context for the level of antioxidants produced and the related oxidative stress levels. With a poor diet then a low level of antioxidants may be produced putting the body under even more oxidative stress. We are then open to greater levels of illness.
Smoking is another contributor to oxidative stress, and it is therefore important to try and kick the habit or at the very least reduce smoking activity. Although this is going to be difficult to achieve for some, the net result may be adding years on to your life.
The Importance of Diet
The antioxidants alone produced by our bodies cannot remove all of the free radicals produced. But there are other antioxidants we can turn to such as those found in the foods we consume. Such foods include vegetables, citrus fruits, and tea. Multivitamins can help in this way too in addressing oxidative stress.
We may then help to prevent serious disease and illness by increasing the levels of antioxidants in our bodies. A better diet, not smoking, and healthy living will between them help us live to a ripe old age by avoiding oxidative stress.
About the author:
If you need more information or additional resources concerning what may cause stress and what can be done about it, please visit http://www.WhatsStress.com