Physical Exercise Home Therapy Program

By:Milos Pesic

Physical therapy may involve walk training, range of motion, restorative therapy, therapeutic exercises, and home programs to improve strength and independence. Consider a boy named Marc. He injured his knee on a soccer game. He placed a cold icy compress to his injury immediately afterwards but the pain persisted. He visited his doctor and found out that he had torn his Anterior Cruciate Ligament, the tissue that connects the two major bones of the knees. He underwent surgery to treat his injury, yet after which Marc would still need a physical exercise home therapy program for full recovery. This shall help him rebuild his muscle strength and recover the range of motion in his injured knee, and so Marc could heal properly, and completely. Yet how does or should a physical exercise home therapy program work?

First is to look for the right physical therapist. The PT must have a master’s or doctoral degree in physical therapy and must be licensed by your state to practice. You should also know that physical therapists have specializations in different areas. A particular therapist may work mostly with sports injuries, for example, while others may be experts in head injuries, or in children, babies, the elderly, or those with particular illnesses. So you should find one who suits your case. The recommendation of a doctor may not be enough to earn your confidence so you should ask questions to your prospective PT. You should ask about his expertise in such conditions like yours, his therapy plan for you as well as needed physical therapy equipments, also ask how relevant are those in your case or are the equipments necessary to assist implementation of the program; finally ask the exact length of each therapy session and the frequency of the therapy exercises. You can also your school coach for physical therapist recommendations or contact your state’s physical therapy association for names of licensed PT’s in your area.

Now you’re ready for your physical exercise home therapy program, but not so easy. You should remember to stick to the plans of your physical exercise home therapy program. Follow your PT’s directions sternly. Listen to your PT to know your body so you’ll realize how an affected area functions so you can spot problems or avoid further injury in the future. And also talk to your PT; he’s always there to help, and to join you in celebrating your success.

Though recovery can feel frustrating and slow, take a moment to appreciate the difference that a physical exercise home therapy program can make. In time you’ll have increased strength, endurance, flexibility, better postural alignment, pain relief – and confidence.

About the author:

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Physical Therapy web site. For more articles and resources on Physical Therapy related topics, Physical Therapy exercises and much more visit his site at:
