Physician Referral Service

By:Nicholas Koutrakos

Physician referral service is a new concept that highlights the marvel of technological development in medical sector. Medical call centers are a bridge between the doctor and the patient. A connecting link that makes sure that the right information reaches the right audience who urgently needs to use it. The system provides immediate assistance to the hassled patient.
These emergency call centers are the latest facilities hospitals are using to handle their after hours physician calls. A number of physicians, pharmacists and other health care facilities are also opting for these very useful medical call centers. The medical service providers have a multiple advantage as this turnkey physician referral system takes care of their after hours referral calls, scheduling appointments and even fielding emergency calls.
Medical call center outsourcing is a boon for the patients as they are a platform that takes away the harassment factor away in state of emergency. The patient can select a physician on the basis of ZIP code or distance or even AMA medical specialization etc. The call center executives are equipped with the relevant data to answer the queries of the patient regarding the physicians. This re-usable service gives the patient a compassionate hearing and delivers accurate information according to the requirement.
Physician referral service gives the user; the medical service provider and the patient a platform to interact acting as a mediator both benefiting from the association. These medical call centers are a welcome relief to the medical service providers as they reduce their workload considerably. The medical facilities can thus concentrate on their specialized services more. These Emergency call centers provide the support they require to carry out their routine work.
The call centers have a database of physicians which are pooled according to their location, their specializations and degrees along with numerous other relevant factors. The centers give names of a few physicians that fit the patient’s requests. A policy of rotation is carried out so as to give all the referrals a fair chance.
Medical call center outsourcing is a long term phenomenon and is here to stay. The system is a specialized system that serves the medical sector. It tells us how prudent use of our technology, resources and their proper implementation provides us with customized solutions to varied needs. Physician referral service is also one such concept that is a welcome relief to the service provider and the service receiver.

About the author:
Nicholas Koutrakos is a well known author, writes on health care services, medical outsourcing service, medical phone answering service etc. For more information visit