Premier Health Products Massage Chair is no gimmicks
- By:Kym Bays
I want arm massage on my chair!
Here’s the truth about arm massage-available at last! The latest, trendy add-on to massage chairs has become arm massagers, arm “claws” and air cuffs. The quality of the arm massage technology is severely lacking, thus producing a very ineffective therapy on the arm. In reality these features do nothing except for squeeze your forearm similarly to how a nurse would take your blood pressure. The mechanisms used in the “arm massage” found in such chairs are powered entirely by air bags. No part of the PHP-2022 or PHP-2026 massage chairs relies solely on air bags because it is an inferior technique to true motor mechanisms. Air makes chairs noisy. Air hoses dry out over time and easily crack, ruining a $3000-$6000 chair. Overtime as air bags dry out, they can be punctured or rupture. Premier Health Products has a strict policy against adding unnecessary gimmicks to our products. Arm massage, as the technology is currently developed, does not warrant the addition of it as a feature in our high quality massage chairs.
I want to buy the BEST massage chair!
Quite a few companies online claim to import the best brand of massage chair, these claims can be misleading. In reality, there is not just one “best” chair for everyone, each individual has different needs and requirements in a massage chair. There is, on the other hand, a massage chair that is best for an individual. Premier Health Products manufactures some of the best quality massage chairs on the market today. Our staff takes pride in matching individual people with the best chair for their needs. We also have extensive knowledge of all brands of chairs in the industry and what they feel and work like. E-mail us today and we’ll gladly help you decide, not which chair is best, but which chair works best for you.
I want my chair manufactured from the BEST country!
Just like no online company carries the “best” chair, no country all around produces the “best” kind of chair. Instead there is a mixed bags. Some manufacturers in Japan do a great job, others are substantially sub-par. The same is true in Mexico, China, Taiwan and anywhere else a chair you purchase is from. As a consumer what you should look for is a trustworthy, quality company that imports the chair to the United States. This way you will be provided attentive customer service and a solid warranty. Premier Health Products is such a company, offering an industry-leading warranty, as well as accessible customer service and a long lasting track record. The trouble with many massage chair manufacturers and distributors in the United States is a lack of longevity. Warranties are frivolous if the company one is dealing with ceases to exist in a year’s time. Premier Health Products has been around for over 9 years and don’t plan on going anywhere.
I want my chair 100% leather!
There are variable qualities of both leather and vinyl currently available for chairs on the market. All the top successful manufacturers use vinyl on their chairs. This is because, due to the heating capabilities of the most popular chairs, leather cannot withstand these elements under repetitive uses. The fact that the chairs are made with vinyl instead of leather does not diminish their value in the least. With heat involved, leather will eventually crack and dry out. Leather also lacks the elasticity that synthetic material provides.
Most chairs that companies fit with leather are in actuality cheaply made products, the leather used as a gimmick to charge hundreds of dollars over the true value of the chair. Furthermore, these chair that are advertised as leather are sometimes merely 30% made of leather, mixing and matching materials together. Overtime customers that buy these chairs will find uneven wear patterns as the leather fades and cracks.About the author:
Kym Bays writes articles for