Quick Weight Training Tips

By:James Carl

No workout program is complete without a weight training regimen. If you are including weights in your exercise program you already know how much weight training helps. If you are not using weights you need to start. Read this article and get some tips to help you improve your weight lifting results.

The first tip is to keep records of your weight lifting. This is something that I rarely see in the gym. Keep a notebook with you and record how much weight you lift and how many repetitions you do. This will let you know what you need to do next time to improve your strength. If you do not keep a record of the weight you lift you will find it hard to remember and improve on that weight the next time you lift. This will also give you a record of how you have improved over time.

The next tip is to not overdo it. Do not work out a muscle group more than one time per week. You have to give your muscles enough time to heal after a workout. If you lift weights too often you will actually be tearing down your muscles instead of building them up. Divide your muscles into two or three groups and just work out each group once a week. Make up a workout schedule with these groups and stick to it.

The last tip I have for you is to make sure that you eat properly. You need to eat healthy foods high in protein if you want to build muscle. Try drinking a protein shake within an hour after working out. Its an easy way to give your muscles the protein they need. Also consider taking a good multi vitamin.

Follow these tips and you will be well on your way to a healthier body. Just remember to have patience because results do not happen overnight. Stick with it and you will get there. Good luck.

About the author:
Visit http://www.bestpersonaltrainers.net for tips on personal training.