Regular exercise a step towards fitness and longer life

By:john parker

Exercise is the most beneficial step towards fitness. It has been observed that people who have less or no exercise in their daily schedule have to face a number of problems; the chief problem among them is getting susceptible to various ailments. It is observed that regular exercise reduces the risk of getting several ailments like arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and back pain. Regular exercise and daily workout has been found fruitful for the mental and emotional health of an individual.

The strength and endurance gains of regular exercise make daily tasks—such as grocery shopping or doing hard work—much easier on your body. Exercise promotes psychological benefits, too. If you look and feel better about yourself, you'll be more confident and have greater self-esteem. It has been perceived that daily activities like walking, running, climbing stairs, playing sports etc. can be counted as mild exercises.

It has been proved by the studies that regular exercise extends life of an individual. One tends to live a quality life that is free from ailments and is happier one. It has been stated that vigorous walking, jogging, swimming, or other aerobic exercise promotes good cardiovascular health and may help reduce high blood pressure. Walking is an excellent form of exercise if done regularly. It has been seen that the people who have exercise in their daily routine have better approach to manage stress and fight tensions in the daily life. Regular exercise is thought to slow down the age process too.

In all, it can be said that regular exercise is an excellent way to promote one quality of living making it a beautiful journey to travel happily. Hence, we must give time to exercise in our daily schedule and exercise as regularly as possible.

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