Steps To Decrease The Occurence of Contracting Cancer

By:Hamza Davis

The risk of developing cancer has become one of the most thought provoking issues of our time. Worldwide statistics show that as bountious as 10.9 million people are diagnosed with some form of cancer every year. As research into the food we eat becomes augmented complex and innovative, it reveals that there are numerous 'super foods' which not only fight cancer cells, but can also support to stave off it from ever occurring.

What is Cancer and Why Is It Greater Prevailing Than Ever?

All living things are comprised of a range of cells, such as kidney cells, brain cells and skin cells.
Cancer develops when a particular cell mutates, then begins to grow and divide. Eventually, these cells form a mass called a malignant tumor, which often starts to invade surrounding tissue and organs.

Are Super Foods The Way To Go?

It is thought that up to one third of cancer related deaths could be diet related. Many of the foods we eat today can in fact be harmful to the cells in our bodies, particularly 'rapid food', which often takes in steep rates of saturated fat.

A considerable European study has recently shown that 'junk food' may in fact be a primary basis of cancer of the pancreas, the urinary tract and of the womb, which makes saturated fat especially breakneck for women. There is however, an abundance of super foods that comprise cancer fighting anti-oxidants and enzymes. These foods fall into a number of categories and it is greatest to look at their properties separately.

Fruit and Vegetables

Time and time again we are reminded of natures way of maintaining a sustaining body. Raw carrots are rich in beta carotene and substances called falcarinol and polyacethylens, which can help to impede a wide diversity of cancer including, breast, stomach, throat, lung, prostate, bladder and intestinal. Sweet potatoes are thought to have a number of cancer fighting properties including carotenoids (beta carotene is one form). Turnips and their leaves contain a substance called glucose molaes, which is said to attack cancer cells.

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and sprouts are rich in the anti-oxidants; lutein and zeaxanthin which are thought to be particularly affective at inhibiting breast and prostate cancer. Broccoli and sprouts also incorporate a substance called phytochemical sulforaphane, which is a by-product of glucoraphanin and is especially useful at impeding bowel cancer. Kale is thought to retain indoles, which are nitrogen compounds and are said to limit lesions in estrogen sensitive areas, such as the ovaries, mutating into cancerous cells.

Beetroot is full of anti-oxidants that specifically attack lung cancer cells.
Tomatoes carry vitamin C and a carotenoid called lycopene that fights oxygen molecules which are also known as 'free radicals'. Free radicals are often believed to trigger cancer cells. Lycopene is notable in its aptitude to aid the joust against rectal and colon cancer, as well as prostate, breast, mouth and cancer of the pancreas. Cooked and canned/pureed tomatoes are said to be especially concentrated in lycopene.

Avocados have prolific amounts of an anti-oxidant called glutathione. Glutathione attacks free radicals and stops the absorption of certain saturated fats into the intestine. Avocados incorporate exorbitant levels of beta-carotene and potassium, which is also very gainful for the heart. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes possess stiff amounts of vitamin C, folic acid and monoterpenes, which can a helping hand to dispose of carcinogens from the body and are believed to repress cancer cells.Papayas carry prolific amounts of vitamin C and folic acid, which are both highly practical anti-cancer components.

Soya bean products such as tofu include phytoestrogens and isoflavones, which when absorbed in sensible amounts (no deeper than four or five ounces per day) are thought to block and relief repress cancer cells from forming and are particularly associated with lowering the risk of breast cancer. Incidences of breast cancer are significantly lower in Asian countries where soy products are consumed regularly. However, caution must be exercised, as research suggests that eating too much soy may basis hormone imbalances which can in fact stimulate cancer cells.

Figs comprise a form of benzaldehyde, which is renowned for its adeptness to shrink tumors. Grapes, particularly the red varieties, include resveratrol and ellagic acid which combine to block the enzymes that are responsible for the success of cancer cells. They also subsume strong anti-oxidants called bioflavonoids. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and other berries that are red or black in color consist of a wide variation of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and plant compounds that are thought to be very worthy against multitudinous forms of cancer.