Take exercise along with milk to get complete fitness
- By:john parker
Fitness is something that is required by every individual in order to life fully. The importance of fitness can be evaluated by this statement “A fit person has the capability to taste the nectar of success in life”. It is the fit person who has the capability to input adequately to get the desired output. Many kinds of things are adopted in order to attain fitness.
An age old myth says that a glass of milk daily ensures healthy body and mind. It has been observed that alone milk is not sufficient to attain fitness in true sense. It has been stated that milk is the highest source of calcium. It is milk that ensures strong bones and teeth. No doubt intake of milk is best to get healthy body and mind. Milk is believed to give many benefits that include the control of intestinal infections, anticarcinogenic activity, improved lactose utilization, and help in the control of serum cholesterol levels.
Studies indicate that teens who drink milk instead of sugary sodas tend to weigh less and have less body fat. Drinking 3 glasses of lowfat milk a day is a healthy habit to promote strong bones and a lean, toned body. It has been found that the exercise if is included with intake opf milk can help you attain good health in every aspect.
It is important to do regular weight-bearing exercise to maximize bone strength and bone density to help prevent osteoporosis later in life. Weight bearing exercise is the type of exercise that causes your bones and muscles to work against gravity while they bear your weight. Resistance exercises such as weight training are also helpful because they help to improve your muscle mass and bone strength. Examples of weight bearing exercise are walking, running, dancing, aerobics, tennis, skiing, skating and rollerblading.
It is recommended to those who have desire of body buildings to have 45 minutes workout one day for your upper body, the same the next day for your lower body, then a day off, followed by a day of upper and a day of lower, another day for cardio, then a day off rounds out the week. To get stronger, power lifting or Olympic lifting, which concentrate on building strength, not bodybuilding routines, which concentrate on "ripping" -- weightlifter slang for toning and shaping – muscles, are suggested. According to the current era, keeping in view the requirements, it is suggested that a balanced diet which includes multivitamins, milk and some daily exercise is a must to ensure fitness in true sense.
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