Tennis Conditioning: Super Effective Tennis Conditioning Program You Can Do In Y
- By:Todd Scott
Perform this Tennis Conditioning Program without any gym equipment except a jump rope, and a do it yourself, old school training gadget....
... A homemade sandbag
The sandbags for your tennis conditioning program can range anywhere between 10-100 lbs, depending on how you make it, and your current strength level.
For the purpose of this High Intensity Tennis Training Segment, I'd recommend using a sandbag weighing around 20-40 lbs.
- 20 lb bag for a female
- 40 lb bag for a male
So, here's what you need:
1. Homemade Sandbag
2. Jump Rope
You'll be doing 6 rounds total.
First place the sandbag on your right shoulder, and perform 15 squats.
As soon as your done, drop the bag, rest 20 seconds, and move on to the jump rope performing 40 jumps *OR* for a 20 second time limit - whichever comes first.
That's one round.
Rest 20 seconds and repeat, except this time, you'll place the sandbag on your left shoulder.
Alternate shoulders for the sandbag for each round.
Complete 6 rounds.
Round 1
- Sand Bag Squat - Right Shoulder
20 second rest
- Jump Rope
20 second rest
Round 2
- Sand Bag Squat - Left Shoulder
20 second rest
- Jump Rope
20 second rest
Round 3
- Sand Bag Squat - Right Shoulder
20 second rest
- Jump Rope (20 seconds)
20 second rest
Again, continue alternating shoulders with each round until you complete 6 rounds.
As we become more and more tired during a tennis match, our mind begins to wander, we lose focus, and we begin to make errors we wouldn't normally make.
To combat this naturally occurring phenomenon, we've gotta train past the point of fatigue that we would normally face in a tennis match, and then force ourselves to concentrate.
The concentration point for this Interval is jumping rope.
If you've ever jumped rope before (and I'm sure you have), it's not THAT easy, and when you're tired it makes it that much more difficult, forcing you to concentrate.
This tennis conditioning program will translate DIRECTLY to the tennis courts and not only improve your recovery time between points, but also your concentration levels while your fatigued.About the author:
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to 20 lb bag for a female