The History of Thai Foot Massage
- By:Annalisa Zisman
Thai foot massage dates back over hundreds of years, and has been one of the most effective and revered forms of massage in the Orient, and eventually all over the world. Though Thai massage can cover the entire body, the art of Thai foot massage is an art in and of itself. Thai foot massage was developed over the years by incorporating foot massage techniques from some places such as China, Japan, and Korea.
Most people who have experienced Thai foot massage can attest to its benefits. The foot is probably the most abused part of the body, but not only that, it seems to have a direct connection to every other part of the body. A good Thai foot massage not only makes your feet feel wonderful, it can promote healing and relaxation in many other parts of the body as well. In the ancient Orient, this was discovered rather early, and foot massage was used as a method of healing both the mind and the body. As a holistic treatment, those in the ancient Orient realized that foot massage could relieve stress, help promote restful sleep, increase circulation, and even help promote a better immune system. In the mental sense, it could increase alertness and enhance creativity.
Thai foot massage incorporates elements of what we recognize as reflexology. The foundation of reflexology is that there are certain points on the foot that can affect other areas of the body. Thai foot massage and reflexology can extend to the ankles and legs as well. For this reason, most Thai foot masseuses will ask for a detailed medical history before beginning treatment. In this way they can determine what pressure points can be focused on more than others, and even help patients discover problems early that they may not have been aware of. Thai foot massage usually takes about an hour, and starts not with immediately focusing on pressure points, but on what the masseuse calls “opening the pathways of energy”. In Thai foot massage it is believed that the massage must be done in stages, readying the subject for each successive step so that each step in turn can be most effective.
A reputable Thai foot masseuse also knows when massage can be beneficial and when it can actually be harmful. If there are any serious injuries or illnesses that the subject needs to address, the masseuse will require that they be treated by a physician before trying Thai foot massage. Though Thai foot massage can help in the healing process tremendously, it is not a substitution for medical treatment. During healing, however, and as long as a complete medical history is known, Thai foot massage can have incredible benefits, both for those what are in good health and for those who are suffering several different types of ailments.About the author:
Annalisa Zisman, proficient writer, writes articles about learn massage techniques and massage techniques. Supplementary writings that were written by the writer related to massage therapist are available on the net.