The Importance of the B12 Vitamin

By:Tony Jacowski

Known as cobalamin, Vitamin B12 can help the body maintain good health. Vitamin B12 is very important in the bodies food to energy conversion process. It is required to help carbohydrates, fats and proteins convert into energy. Vitamin B12 is also essential in the prevention of heart disease and other illnesses by maintaining healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 will also help build up white blood cells which strengthens the immune system. In addition, an added benefit of vitamin B12 is related to the nerve cells, it helps make a protective covering for the nerve cells. The protective barrier of the nerve cells is a fatty layer that is most important in the brain.
Despite the benefits of vitamin B12 your body only needs small amounts of this vitamin. Foods such as liver, eggs and other animal products contain vitamin B12. Even though small amounts are required you should have a regular intake of vitamin B12. However, without the intrinsic factor in the stomach, vitamin B12 can’t be used easily by the human body. The intrinsic factor must be sufficient enough to absorb vitamin B12 otherwise the absorption will be hard. The proper amount of vitamin B12 can be obtained through the food we consume. The body will use the amount of B12 needed and then recycle the rest. However, vegetarians need to take B12 supplements since vegetables don’t contain proper amounts of vitamin B12.
Anemia is a common effect in those who have a deficiency of vitamin B12. This is because there isn’t enough B12 to help produce enough red blood cells. However, anemia can also result in the intestine doesn’t have a sufficient intrinsic factor. The intrinsic factor can drop below sufficient in people over fifty which makes these people more susceptible to anemia as well as other diseases. In addition, children and women who are pregnant have an increased risk of developing anemia. Vitamin B12 is needed to help support a child’s growth and the growth of a baby inside a woman’s womb.

About the author:
Tony Jacowski is the writer of Why You Need Vitamin b12. He also writes on fitness and nutrition.