The Rules of Protein Consumption for Muscle Growth
- By:ben clemons
If you are like me, you enjoy hitting the gym really hard in order to make your muscles grow. I spend plenty of hours in the gym every week just for that reason. However, this is only one side of the equation. When it comes to building muscle, one thing is for certain, You need protein. Protein is essential in any muscle building plan. In fact, your muscles can't grow without amino acids which are the building blocks of all proteins. They are used to replenish the damaged muscle tissue that is caused from strenuous exercise. The amount of protein and timing is very important when it comes to protein consumption.
The average bodybuilder will need atleast 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight every day for muscle growth to occur. You will hear many people argue about the exact amount ranging from 1 gram a day, to 2.5 grams a day. The general amount is 1 gram a day and should be sufficient. Anything over 40 grams of protein taken within a 2.5 hour period is liable to turn into fat since there is no more room in the muscles. .
This is why timing is important. 50% of your protein intake should come from whole food sources such as chicken, lean beef, turkey, egg whites, and other low fat high protein foods. The other 50% should come from protein shakes such as whey protein. Spreading it out throughout the day is the best option. Like mentioned before, you want to consistently feed the muscle rather than have it turn into fat. The best way to accomplish this is to have a shake first thing in the morning. This will help jump start your muscles after a long nights sleep. During sleep, your muscles go into a catabolic state, meaning that your body burns muscle due to low glycogen stores. It is best to spread your protein over 6 different times throughout the day. Protein should also be taken in about 1 hour before a workout, and immediately after a workout. The other time is before bed. I reccomend drinking a casein protein shake, because it absorbs slower than whey protein which makes it ideal for a long nights sleep. Normally you want to intake protein every 2.5 to 3 hours. As long as you are getting 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, you should be fine. This is not an option if you are looking to build quality muscle. This is a necessity! If you would like any more information on this, or any other weight lifting or fitness topics, or would like to purchase some protein supplements, visit
About the author:
Owner of and personal fitness instructor.