The Ways a Good Treadmill Workout Can Benefit You

By:Mark Emslie

Easy to Get Fit

The treadmill workout is a modernization on the most superb form of the all-round exercise, walking, and it is a most excellent way to lose weight and get into shape. Treadmill exercise is the fastest growing fitness activity in the US and the beauty of a treadmill workout is that the exercises are so easy to vary simply by slowing down or speeding up the treadmill's setting; often this is needed to achieve a daily fitness goal.

Better For You

A significant advantage of a treadmill workout is that it can be much easier on your joints as opposed to running on concrete or asphalt as it is relatively low impact. You can monitor your progress, design your own workout and exercises are so easy to vary simply by slowing down or speeding up the machines setting. Heart rate monitoring allows you to determine if your treadmill workout is too demanding or not demanding enough.

Weight Loss

Walking can help you shift your attitude toward health, fitness, and weight loss which is why more and more people are choosing the convenience of in-home/office fitness equipment and in particular, treadmill workouts. Frequent and regular exercise on a treadmill will help increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat; the average medium intensity treadmill workout burns 700 calories per hour compared to just 500 calories per hour on an exercise bike.

Having Fun

Believe it or not, you can have a great deal of fun exercising with the right treadmill workout. Try shaking it up a little and loading your workout with variety; you can rediscover the fun of a good treadmill workout. Also, try watching television or a movie whilst doing your treadmill workout which can also be fun. You could have so much fun that you will look forward to your treadmill workout rather than trying to avoid it!

Whatever you decide to do, remember, the ideal treadmill workout is the one that suits your needs, lifestyle and fitness aspirations best.

About the author:

If you need more information or resources concerning treadmills or health