Treadmill - Just Another Walk In The Park?

By:Guy Siverson

Curiosity and kids, the two do seem to run together. I once remember (once was all that was necessary) turning my mom’s treadmill to high and seeing how long I could hang on. Wasn’t long before I found myself catapulted off the treadmill and head first into the petunia plant on the other side of the room. Not a pleasant site to be sure.

A Treadmill And Your Green Stuff

Yet survey says you and I spend more green stuff on treadmills than any other home exercise equipment. What are you thinking? Do you really hate petunia plants that much or are there serious benefits to that whirling contraption we call a treadmill.

Not Just A Walk In The Park

While the great outdoors is a pleasure to experience sometimes it’s just not realistic, unless of course you actually enjoy taking the place of a sponge. During such increment weather conditions your faithful treadmill is waiting and ready.

Besides it is much easier to avoid the attack of heavy metal four-wheel objects on a treadmill than running or walking down the street. Further, since you don’t have to drive to a specific destination you save gas; and if you’ve seen the recent prices at the pump that could add up to a small fortune. Especially when you consider avoiding the cost of membership at a club or gym too! Cha ching.

Treadmill Verse The Ugly Duckling

Even ugly people can benefit from a treadmill. You know the drill. 5AM alarm blares thru what just before was quite a peaceful serene night. After you finish smashing it to smithereens (note to self – buy new alarm clock), you look in the mirror only to be horrified by the monster that has taken possession of your bathroom cabinet. Yes, good morning sunshine. Even in this condition a treadmill is indeed quite useful. And since you preprogrammed the setting a month ago you will be climbing to Mt. Everest in no time at all.

Sereneness Of A Treadmill

Not in for the grueling treadmill escapades today. No worries. A simple press of a button gets you walking peacefully upon the shores of Waikiki without the worries of someone stealing your surfboard or worse, your purse. And you can enjoy your walk night or day for however long or short of a time you would prefer.

Further, when you exercise on a treadmill you get these little guys called endorphins pumping along, and they do cool stuff like alleviating depression and helping you sleep. According to the Stanford University School of Medicine study, there non-active group continued to have trouble sleeping while those that used a treadmill were busy sawing logs all thru the night.

So as you can see, there are numerous benefits to using a treadmill. Not the least of which is that you can read this article or watch the boob tube all while the treadmill walks away with you. Wait, shouldn’t that be the other way around? Ah, no worries, just a treadmill.

About the author:
Guy Siverson is the Webmaster of several health and wellness sites including for long-lasting relationships and Latest projects completed include "All About Treadmills"