What The Doctors Aren't Telling You About Your Health! - Transitioning

By:Clark Haroldson

The medical profession eh! What would we do without them? Medicine and Healthcare today is simply amazing! What can be seen with the micron microscope, what can be reached in the body with wires and cameras, what can be cut out, medicated, killed or neutralized by drugs; mans knowledge knows no limits!

All that knowledge and yet! Consider this: Do you think that the medical profession treats the causes of illness or merely the symptoms. In their growing knowledge have they not lost the plot? Do you not think that they spend their time killing alligators when the original objective was to drain the swamp! If you have an illness don’t they just give you a pill? Was it not Hippocrates the father of medicine that said, "Let food be thy medicine” not drugs!

Don’t get me wrong please, please, please, if I get knocked down in a road accident, or get shot on the battlefield modern day medicine can do amazing things. What I am talking about has become a long lost ‘secret’ to being really healthy-GOOD FOOD. Do you think it is possible to cure most diseases through a good food diet? I do. This is a question we will explore in our journey toward good health.

The doctors and the cardiologists that I was referred to during my experience in the ‘LOOP’ could not correlate my chest pains to heart disease. They all agreed I should continue taking the wonderful cocktail of drugs they had prescribed to keep me alive. My decision to break with the establishment was difficult but I did it. After a couple of fights with the doctor and some fearful feelings and symptoms I came off the beta blockers and the other junk I was taking.

The big question was what next? What do I do now?

Actually I had a good idea of what to do. I had researched intensively and decided there were three things I could do that would collectively promote good health. Exercise, change my eating habits and introduce a supplement to take with my food.

Exercise for me was not a problem I just started playing squash and soccer again. I must admit the doctors had got me spooked. Every little twitch or pain I had, seemed in my mind to be the onset of a heart attack and it took a few weeks to get that mindset out of my head. I don’t know what will work for you as far as exercise but remember I had been playing for years so for me it was just a continuation.

I did change my eating habits. I discovered the main evils in certain so called healthy foods. As I dropped these off I also dropped the pounds off. It just happened! I didn’t aim for it. It was just the result of getting rid of all that crap! I lost 17 pounds in about 2 months and then my weight settled down and my fitness improved.

It actually affected my squash game for several weeks I think because my movement and balance were affected by my weight change. But I was leaner, faster and healthier.

You’ll notice the title of the article ‘transitioning’. What I am saying here is quite simple you cannot change from one lifestyle to another 100% and expect to keep it up. You won’t do it. And if your body has got used to living with all that crap for so many years to take it all away will cause at least some rebellion.

‘Transitioning’ is doing it slowly, sensibly. I believe in the 80/20 rule ‘pick the few that will affect the many’. I haven’t talked about the supplements I took. They were magic-believe me! If you want to find out what they were then read my newsletter.

About the author:
Hal says; find out more tips secrets, and useful information on your health and your heart by signing up for his FREE newsletter at. http://www.thehealthyu.com/