What ways can Fibromyalgia pain be relieved?

By:Allison Thompson

For those suffering from Fibromyalgia the thing they find most frustrating is having to find ways of relieving the chronic widespread pain that they feel. In many cases people suffering from this disease have difficulty coping with it because they are unable to explain to others what it is they are actually going through. You will often find that they will avoid any stressful situations and because of the depression that is often associated with Fibromyalgia they often feel helpless as well.

Often people suffering from Fibromyalgia will complain that they “hurt all over” and as yet there is no known cure for it, as well as there being no way of removing the pain that they feel. The only option really open to sufferers is for them to manage the pain. Although there are plenty of support groups out there offering advice and encouragement to the sufferers it is only the sufferer themselves who can decide what treatments and management techniques work best for them in relieving and managing the pain they feel.

The use of relaxation exercises, heat therapy, self-hypnosis, stretching exercises, medication and self evaluation is the best way to develop a persons plan for the sufferers themselves in order to control and be in control of the pain. Sufferers have to learn how to describe the pain they are feeling to both physical therapists and their family doctor and they should at all times keep a diary of all activities they participate in and the medications that they take, noting any differences that have occurred either before or after the activity or the medication that has been taken. This will hopefully help to try and pin point what is working and what isn’t.

Although if not suffering from chronic pain is bad enough, another disabling side effect of Fibromyalgia is the constant fatigue a sufferer will feel. In most cases the sufferers accept the fact that they will wake up every morning feeling tired and certainly dealing with every day activities is a constant battle for those with Fibromyalgia. Even simple tasks such as preparing a meal, taking a letter to the post box or just putting on your make up can seem overwhelming to Fibromyalgia suffers and seems to drain what energy they do have.

However, the management of widespread pain can be very complicated and in order for people with Fibromyalgia to deal with it effectively they must plan everything ahead of time. But pain management is a skill that they must give themselves a chance to learn. It is best that any ordinary everyday tasks should be given priority and where possible other tasks should be handed over to someone else who is willing to assist them. In many companies now they often use the phrase “work smarter, not harder” and this should be used by those dealing with Fibromyalgia as they will soon find that this can help improve their quality of life.

By developing a pain management plan the person suffering with the pain should look at and discuss the medications that are available and that they need in order to make their life that little bit more comfortable. It may be an idea for them to look further at such medications as Zoloft, Sinequan, Flexeril, Prozac, Xanax, Klonopin, Ambien or one of the many others forms of medication that are available and which seem to provide sufferers with temporary relief from the pain. In some cases sufferers have found that certain medications have done more than provide a temporary fix to the pain that they are feeling and will need to discuss these issues further with their doctor.

Everybody deserves to live a good and fruitful life and flexibility and creativity are two of the most important elements in a Fibromyalgia sufferer’s life in order to make them more productive, energy and thus lead a happier life. Certainly those people who have the ability to manage their Fibromyalgia will find that they can lead a more fulfilling life and manage their daily routines more easily and at their own pace.

About the author:

Kerris Samson a work from home mum now residing in Spain and who has spent a vast amount of researching the causes, the signs and symptoms of Fibromyalgia and how it can be treated. If you would like to know more about this disease and the effects it has on people, please visit www.fibromyalgia.oneohtwo.info.