Why you Need a Power Rack if you Plan to Lift Weights at Home
- By:ben clemons
It seems that everyone I know that likes to lift weights, has a gym membership. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. I myself have a gym membership and enjoy going to the gym frequently. However, there are many days where it is a big inconvenience for me to have to get out and drive to the gym. Like many bodybuilders, I have a gym bag and certain gym clothes that I have to prepare before I can even leave. That includes supplements and my post workout shake. Well how does somebody get around this inconvenience on those certain days? In this article I plan to tell you just that.
The answer is to bring the gym home! Simply purchase a home gym of some type that you can use any time of the day. There are many benefits to owning a home gym. One benefit is having the freedom to blast your stereo as loud as you want (unless you have restrictions where you live, but still a benefit none the less). Having the stereo pumping at home definitely helps motivate me through some of the toughest workouts. Also, many bodybuilders when first starting out are somewhat self conscious, and feel they have to lift heavier than they should when being watched. When lifting at home, it is easier for a beginner to meet personal bests every week, which in return makes for better quality muscle gains. Yet, another benefit that comes to mind is quick access to a shower without having to use a public one (which I hate!).
So with all the different types of home gyms out there, what type should you get? Don't get me wrong, there are many different quality home gyms out there that will produce great results. However, if you are deep into bodybuilding like I am, then you should know there is only one answer to this question. Get a power rack! A power rack has everything you need, and doesn't take up much room at all. In fact, my power rack allows me to do exercises that my gym doesn't. For some reason my gym doesn't have a power rack, but rather a smythe machine (which uses guides to control the movement of the weights). As any true bodybuilder will tell you, there are three exercises that are practically manditory if you plan to gain any mass. These exercises are squats, deadlifts, and bench press. Power racks allow you to use free weights for all these exercises, and it takes only a minute to switch which exercise you are doing. The best benefit of all however, is the safety pins. These allow you to go as heavy as you want when doing squats or bench press without a spotter. I am yet to think of one negative aspect of owning a power rack.
So, if you plan on purchasing a home gym please make sure you look into a power rack. If you are still not convinced, check out some of the various bodybuilding forums on the internet and ask the members what type of home gym they have. If they are serious about lifting, nearly all of them will answer "Power Rack!" I really do not understand why more people don't own a power rack. I personally would never go without one. If you would like more information on power racks and where to purchase one cheap with free shipping, check out www.halfhourfitness.com/equipment.html
Good luck in whatever you choose to do, but don't say nobody warned you! Power rack is definitely king.
About the author:
Owner of www.halfhourfitness.com and personal fitness instructor.