calculate calories contributed by protein, cards, and fat
- By:Susan Slobac
It feels great to begin a healthy new activity, like working toward healthy weight loss. In order to reach your goal, you will need some way to keep track of what you are eating and how much exercise you are getting. It helps to keep a food diary and an exercise journal so you can manage your progress. Most people, no matter how devoted to a great idea, do not have lots of extra time to devote to managing detailed records for either of these activities. There is a quick and easy solution to help you meet your goal in terms of your food consumption, and that is to use an online calorie calculator. Leave the research and math to your computer, and save yourself some time while keeping accurate records of the type and amount of food you are eating daily.
Most foods can be broken down into three main categories: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. There are recommended amounts for all three of these that you will want to consume to ensure that even while losing weight, your body till has enough nutrients it needs to function properly and suffer no deterioration.
There are differing opinions as to how much of each of these components of food you should eat to maintain a healthy diet. Some diets recommend a strict reduction in carbohydrates (Atkins), high-protein regimes, or low-fat systems. Instead of taking a radical approach to your diet, it can be healthier to eat amounts of all types of food in moderation, varying the foods you eat on a regular basis.
There are a wide variety of foods that you will want to consume. Monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, are a healthier choice than saturated ones, typically found in red meat and butter, because they do not increase blood cholesterol. The majority of the food you eat should come from fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, beans, nuts and seeds, while red meat and saturated fats should be consumed rarely. Some people prefer plant-based diets. People with certain health conditions require diets limiting certain nutrients. Diabetics need to carefully monitor the amount of carbohydrates they eat and balance that with the medication needed to keep their blood sugar at appropriate levels. People with liver or kidney function issues often eat a low-protein diet. Athletes in training, as well as lactating women and people recovering from surgery require increased amounts of protein for the body to repair or maintain properly.
An online calorie counter is tied to a database of information about thousands of different foods, so when you enter the type and amount of food into the calculator, you will get a specific breakdown of the number of calories and the grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats you are consuming, so you can be sure you are staying in line with the specific diet you are following.About the author:
Susan Slobac is a nutritionist specializing in weight loss plans. Susan offers free workout plans and advice on how to find the best weight loss program for natural weight loss.